Welcome! - Introductions!

Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
My name is Cassidy (you can call me by username if you want, or if you're like me and tend to forget names easily). :ohwell:

I started training and losing weight to join the Navy at the beginning of the year and I have met so many awesome people here on MFP and until a few days ago, haven't found anyone in the same boat as me!

I created this group because it's always nice to have support and it's even cooler to have fellow MFPer's working toward the same goal! Also because I have met several people currently serving/just got out of the Navy that have helped me a lot and given me a ton of helpful advice and encouragement and I would like to pass it on and invite anyone and everyone to pipe up if you have any questions about getting into the Navy or what boot camp entails, etc. Or if you're stuck in regards to fitness and diet and need help kick-starting....or Whatever! :happy:

So.... Welcome to the group! Some of you I know already but if you're up for it please introduce yourselves to anyone that joins! :flowerforyou:

1) What's your name (if you'd like to give it out, if not, username works just as well!), Age, Height, SW/CW/GW (or BF/BMI%)
Age: 23
I'm 5' 3"
SW: 232 (approx: 53% BF)
CW: 189 (38% BF)
GW: 155 (35% BF or less)
******If you don't know your Body Fat % this site uses the same formula as the Navy: http://www.skinbodyfitness.com/bmr_bmi_bfp.htm *******

2) Where are you currently at in terms of getting into the Navy? (i.e. have you sworn in, trying to lose weight/inches, curious about the Navy, etc.)
Trying to drop the last few inches to bring down my BF% to Navy standards for females. I haven't sworn in yet, hoping I can by the end of this month.

3) What rate are you going for? (If you're already in the Navy, what is it that you do (your rate)?)
I'm pursuing MA (Master at Arms) with the intention of joining the K9 division.

4) Are you going in active duty, active reserves or just reserves?
Active Duty

:ohwell: I can't really think of any other intro questions at the moment but if there's anything you want to add go ahead! :drinker:


  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Hey Cass-I'm actually getting out of the Navy soon, I have about a month before terminal leave starts, but I'm an MA, so if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help you out.

    Good luck to all of those working so hard to make it in, keep up with it because BCA means a lot to the Navy now.
  • hrls83
    hrls83 Posts: 46
    Hi! My name is Heather! I am 29 years old and have wanted to join the Navy for the last ten years since i graduated high school. There has always been one reason or another as to why I never went through with it, but now that I am getting close to that cut off age I have decided to give it my all. I dont wanna look back on my life in 20 years and think "what if"

    I'm 5' 7 and have always kinda struggled with my weight. My highest was a whopping 228. In Dec of 2010
    My husband left for navy boot and I got down to 198. Life got the best of me in April 2011 and in 6 weeks I was down to 160. I am a bit mad I gained that weight back but when you go from being super stressed and not eating but once every 3 days to being happy and actually eating again that tends to happen. I knew I had gained a little back but when I stepped on the scale for the first time in a year in June of this year I was shocked!

    CW: 194 ( aprox 38% BF)
    GW: 163 to enlist
    Ultimate goal is 140-150

    2) Where are you currently at in terms of getting into the Navy?
    I have chatted with a recruiter, gotten my college transcripts together, and all my financial info, my record of traffic tickets and various other stuff they asked me to have... now I am just waiting to lose the weight i need to drop to sign up... my goal is the first of the year!

    I have memorized most of the stuff I need to know, the sailors creed, the 11 orders, rank and recognition, military time, the alphabet....

    I took the ASVAB back in 2001 and got a 97 on it so I am not too worried about taking it again. They have taken a few sections off it and made it a bit easier. I am sure I will do just as well on it this go round.

    3) What rate are you going for?
    I would like to get Hospital Corpsman (Id love to get offered FMF - Fleet marine force, but I am not sure how that all works with the reserves and trying to get FTS and my husband on AD so we shall see) or Mass Communications. I really am hoping I can get lucky and get a FTS (full time support aka active reserves) billet but have heard they are rare, If I can get one MC isnt offered but HM is so we will see.

    4) Are you going in active duty, active reserves or just reserves?
    Reserves, Id love to go Active but with my husband on active i really dont want to have to deal with trying to get the same duty stations, with reserves it will be much easier on us... So again hoping I can pull off the FTS.

    Just wanted to add that is you dont know about navydep.com you should go check it out! It is amazing. Full of info about boot and the navy in general. People over there are pretty nice for the most part and have tons of info to offer!
  • jenwoods87
    jenwoods87 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Jennifer :) I am almost 25 (November 25th, the last BIG birthday...I can almost rent a car ha) I have been thinking about the Navy for about the past 6 months. Recently I have really gotten into it, especially after seeing that I can lose weight! I looked into the Air Force when I was a senior in high school, the only thing that stopped me was my weight! I let my friends change my dreams and I went to college for elementary education. I got my B.A in 2010 and decided teaching isn't what I want to do. So I went back to school for nursing :) I am almost complete with my BSN.

    I am 5'8 1/2 haha sometimes 5'9 it depends on who is measuring. And i've always been overweight :( I always told myself I was going to diet but I never stuck to it. In July, I decided enough was enough and started a new diet. I currently drink a lot of protein shakes, they fill me up and make me think less about snacking! It works for me, a lot of people don't agree with it but it is healthy and approved by my doctor :) I can't even remember a "low" weight, I know in highschool when I was weighed at the recruiters i was 217, so we will go off of that weight! I need to do measurements and get my bodyfat because as of right now, I might actually make bodyfat to join :)

    1) What's your name (if you'd like to give it out, if not, username works just as well!), Age, Height, SW/CW/GW (or BF/BMI%)
    Age: 24
    I'm 5' 8
    SW: 256
    CW: 223
    GW: 160

    2) Where are you currently at in terms of getting into the Navy? (i.e. have you sworn in, trying to lose weight/inches, curious about the Navy, etc.)
    I have not talked to a recruiter yet. I want to lose a little more weight before I do. I am researching lots, and meeting people who are currently in the navy or deppers.

    3) What rate are you going for? (If you're already in the Navy, what is it that you do (your rate)?)
    I'm not sure, I think IS or CT would be fun if I enlist. I am also thinking about going the nurse corps and being a nurse :)

    4) Are you going in active duty, active reserves or just reserves?
    Active Duty, currently thinking about the nurse corps or officer path. Once I reach about 200lbs I will start talking to recruiters :)
  • hrls83
    hrls83 Posts: 46
    Hi Jennifer!
    Welcome to the group!!

    I use to do the protein shakes a lot too! Just be careful when you stop them and go back to regular meals, it will be really easy to over eat and gain the weight back. I have learned that losing weight is not about dieting but more about being aware of what you are eating. I am a big advocate for clean eating. You will be surprised as to how better you feel when you done eat over processed foods.

    but anyway I dont wanna come across the wrong way if its working for you that's awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • jenwoods87
    jenwoods87 Posts: 23 Member
    I am a nanny so I am at home with kids all day. Kids who are constantly snacking LOL it is really hard to stay away from snacks. So when I started with the shakes, I found that I wasn't hungry and stayed away :) I think that is why it is working for me...I usually only drink them during the weekdays to keep my mind from wanting other food. Like today, I forgot my shaker cup and I started picking through the candy bucket...I haven't done that in a couple months now. lol. I have been reading a lot about protein and it really is needed for the body, so I think it is something I will keep around for a while. Currently I am trying to find something a little higher quality than the one I have...if anyone has a suggestion let me know :)

    I am trying to do the clean eating thing, and thankfully my boss is a total health nut and they do clean eating so they are teaching me and taking away most temptations. I also hardly ever eat fast food anymore...which is amazing because I use to eat it morning, noon and night. I ate at taco bell yesterday...ordered nachos as a "treat" i nearly gagged at first bite...lol I only ate the chips, lol whatever dog food they put in the middle was gross lol. If we do go to a restaurant my husband and I share something instead of each ordering...I think that has helped a lot too :)

    I am still trying to change my lifestyle...I notice I do so well during the week...but then the weekend comes and all I can think about is all the yummy places I want to go eat. Its bad :( Hopefully one day I will win the battle...I think I might start blogging...maybe then it will keep me accountable especially during the weekends.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Cass-I'm actually getting out of the Navy soon, I have about a month before terminal leave starts, but I'm an MA, so if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help you out.

    Good luck to all of those working so hard to make it in, keep up with it because BCA means a lot to the Navy now.

    About how long does the schooling for MA take? (I'm guessing not nearly as long as my brother in Nuke-school)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Not long at all, only about 6 weeks.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Not long at all, only about 6 weeks.

    Wow! Way shorter than I thought. I feel sorry for my brother in his 1.5 years worth of schooling :laugh:
  • Malmet811
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Mallory. I am actually really happy to have found this group . I want to join the Navy but the only thing in the way is my weight. I am currently in nursing school and plan to go in after. I am 5'8'' and about 187 now after losing 10 lbs. I am still not where I need to be but I hope through this group we can all encourage each other!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Not long at all, only about 6 weeks.

    Wow! Way shorter than I thought. I feel sorry for my brother in his 1.5 years worth of schooling :laugh:

    There's a reason they make 3rd class out of A school. The jobs are just two completely different types of work. But just realize that being an MA, you don't always get into the programs to want right away and the hours can be long. But it can be fun as well.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Mallory. I am actually really happy to have found this group . I want to join the Navy but the only thing in the way is my weight. I am currently in nursing school and plan to go in after. I am 5'8'' and about 187 now after losing 10 lbs. I am still not where I need to be but I hope through this group we can all encourage each other!

    Welcome Mallory! Glad to have you on-board! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! ^_^
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Not long at all, only about 6 weeks.

    Wow! Way shorter than I thought. I feel sorry for my brother in his 1.5 years worth of schooling :laugh:

    There's a reason they make 3rd class out of A school. The jobs are just two completely different types of work. But just realize that being an MA, you don't always get into the programs to want right away and the hours can be long. But it can be fun as well.

    If I can't get into the K9 program right away its fine. Main thing is, I want to get in! haha! I take my ASVAB and do measurements on the 20th though, so that's progress!

    But long hours and little sleep.... sounds like going to college & working full-time all over again :wink:
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    But long hours and little sleep.... sounds like going to college & working full-time all over again :wink:

    I've done the full-time college/full-time work deal as well. It's just different is. Being an MA isn't hard, but people get an idea about what they think it's going to be, but it's not always like they say.
  • FutureMASailor
    FutureMASailor Posts: 22 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth. I am 18 years old. I enlisted into the Navy in April and I ship out 10 months later in March. When I depped in, I was at 5'3, 167lbs with a BF of 35%. Now I am currently at 160lbs with a BF of 31% (Current as of today. I had a DEP meeting) I am going in with a rating of MA. I was supposed to ship out 20121004 however due to the fact that I had to go and change my rating... (sometimes I wonder why I ever did that..) from UT to MA I now ship out 20130305.I am extremely excited for March to come. While waiting, I currently work at a pharmascutical as a packer.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth. I am 18 years old. I enlisted into the Navy in April and I ship out 10 months later in March. When I depped in, I was at 5'3, 167lbs with a BF of 35%. Now I am currently at 160lbs with a BF of 31% (Current as of today. I had a DEP meeting) I am going in with a rating of MA. I was supposed to ship out 20121004 however due to the fact that I had to go and change my rating... (sometimes I wonder why I ever did that..) from UT to MA I now ship out 20130305.I am extremely excited for March to come. While waiting, I currently work at a pharmascutical as a packer.

    Same with you as well, if you have questions about being an MA, I'll do my best to help you out with whatever you'd like to know.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Hiya, I'm John
    Age: 24
    I'm 5' 10"
    SW: 245 (approx: 27%bf)
    CW: 250 (23%BF)
    GW: 18%BF... wherever my weight lands will be fine with me.

    I'm active duty enlisted, on shore duty in Norfolk, VA.

    I'm a submarine communications electronics technician (ET2/SS)

    Originally I wanted to be an IT, but I decided it was better to leave in 6 days vice 6 months.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Hiya, I'm John
    Age: 24
    I'm 5' 10"
    SW: 245 (approx: 27%bf)
    CW: 250 (23%BF)
    GW: 18%BF... wherever my weight lands will be fine with me.

    I'm active duty enlisted, on shore duty in Norfolk, VA.

    I'm a submarine communications electronics technician (ET2/SS)

    Originally I wanted to be an IT, but I decided it was better to leave in 6 days vice 6 months.

    Welcome John! ^_^ Sorry didn't reply earlier, being holiday and all! My little brother is EM4 & working on his Nuke quals.. he's currently underway on his sub.... How long have you been in? Do you enjoy it?
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I've been in for 6 years, spent 3 on a boat. Which one is your brother on?

    Enjoy isn't the right word hehe. Being on a sub is a completely different way of life that only those of us who have done it truly understand how it is. It's not fun. It's not easy. It's the most stress I've ever dealt with in my life. It's also one of the things I'm the most proud of that I've ever done in my life.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I've been in for 6 years, spent 3 on a boat. Which one is your brother on?

    Enjoy isn't the right word hehe. Being on a sub is a completely different way of life that only those of us who have done it truly understand how it is. It's not fun. It's not easy. It's the most stress I've ever dealt with in my life. It's also one of the things I'm the most proud of that I've ever done in my life.

    We have a guy here who is going to be a CS or something on a sub. He already complains enough being stuck on this island, 'I can't go anywhere, there aren't any girls.' I can't even imagine what he's going to do when he's stuck on a sub.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    I've been in for 6 years, spent 3 on a boat. Which one is your brother on?

    Enjoy isn't the right word hehe. Being on a sub is a completely different way of life that only those of us who have done it truly understand how it is. It's not fun. It's not easy. It's the most stress I've ever dealt with in my life. It's also one of the things I'm the most proud of that I've ever done in my life.

    We have a guy here who is going to be a CS or something on a sub. He already complains enough being stuck on this island, 'I can't go anywhere, there aren't any girls.' I can't even imagine what he's going to do when he's stuck on a sub.

    My little brother is on the USS Nevada out of Bangor, WA... he's enjoying being underway (so far, but he's always liked being busy) but I know he's not enjoying the lack of females near/on his base. :ohwell: But otherwise he's loving the NAVY-life