
penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
in between fits of rage I turned the TV off after Vick threw an interception, got penalized for a low block, got sacked, and the Saints ran it back in for a second straight TD. I might try it again now that I see D-Jac scored and maybe, just MAYBE, some kind of semblance has returned. I can't take this. Seriously, how many people can you fire at one time and still be left with a functional team? **** this, man. all this has to go.


  • XmanMike
    XmanMike Posts: 183 Member
    I was just sitting there at work shaking my head. I couldn't believe what I was watching. The Eagles were killing them with the run game but just couldn't finish in the red zone. The offensive line was just awful! I thought they had good depth on the offensive line. And when your quarterback and center can't read defenses and make line calls, then what you saw Monday night is what usually happens. Dare I say the defense was better off with Juan Castillo and I think I actually miss Asante Samuel! No playoffs this year, I'm officially in college basketball mode.