Stalled Weight Loss on Pre-op???

So today is day 7 of my pre-op diet and I am already frustrated with the weight loss!!! Day one I was down 4 lbs and day 2, 3 and day 3, 2 and day 4 I was at a stand still. Day 5 I lost .5 lbs and now after day 6 I am again at a stand still. I know it is a total of 9.2 lbs in 6 days but I just feel like if I am following the diet to a T and getting in more then enough fluids that I should be losing every day! What am I missing? I really want to lose enough weight that they wont cancel my surgery!!! I don't want to lose too little. I'm worried! Granted I still have another week but I'm concerned! Is this how it is going to be after I have surgery? I won't lose anything?


  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Your body is probably holding on to fat/weight right now. It's saying "whoa! She is starving me! I better hang onto this fat/weight so she can survive!" You will probably loose more before the 2 weeks is up. I think I only lost 10 pounds on mine and I followed it to a T and didn't cheat at all. You are doing great! Just stick to what they want you to eat during this time so your liver will shrink and surgery will be easier for them to get around in there.
    Good luck!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    My pre-op diet was very high in protein. I'm assuming yours is too, if not talk tto the doctor's office now about this. If you're not getting enough protein the weight loss really slows down and in some cases even stops, both pre-op and after. It's amazing how much the protein effects the weight loss in all this. No longer can a salad be a meal unless it's got more protein in it than lettuce. Good luck and feel free to message me with questions. :happy:
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    I had read this post earlier today and the issue actually came up in my group session tonight. It was stressed that the pre-op diet is NOT meant to begin your weight loss, it is meant to prepare you for surgery. Whatever weight loss you achieve during this period is fine but not what your doc is looking for. It is to reduce liver size, get you off any sugar cravings, refine good habits of no drinking before and after your meal, etc. You will have plenty of weight loss after surgery if you follow all the rules. Don't let this pre-op period trip you up.