Season 3 - Episode 5 "Say the Word" (11/11/12)



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    #6 If Hershel is such a smart doc, how come he hasn't suggested that Maggie try to breast feed the baby. As a nurse i know that even if a woman has never given birth, if stimulated, she can start to lactate. Someone needs to start sucking some tit-tays, because 2 cans of formula goes FAST and there are no cows around im sure. *SMH*
    Probably because thats is his 'barely' adult daughter. And they can scavenge for formula. Even in a survival situation I would be freaked out if my dad suggested this to me. And I have actually nursed a baby. Im the exact opposite. I would have been really weirded out by that.

    If it means a baby's life? You would be weirded out by that? And scavenging for formula will only last so long. Unless they can find a Costco or something, that baby is f-ed
    Sorry but yes. When I was 21 or 22 I would have lost my mind if somone suggested this. Its a major longshot.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Hershel's smart, but he's still a vet, not a human doc. You can trick a nursing animal into adopting an orphan, sometimes even from different species, but I doubt a similar situation would have ever come up in his practice.

    I might be in a minority. I like Michonne. She's got issues out the wazoo, and sometimes acts like an unsocialized feral animal, but I like that in a character.

    I like Andrea, too, and I can understand her point of view... even in trusting Merle when he was such a *kitten*. Anything that's familiar is going to be comforting after such prolonged trauma and stress.

    I can understand Rick going off the deep end, too. I react the same way... I can hold it together in an emergency and be everyone's rock, but as soon as it's over, especially with a bad outcome, I loose it. And I want to be alone while I'm loosing it. Don't try to comfort me.

    I love how Daryl started off as an outcast and kind of a dreg, and now he's the one holding the group together.
    I totally agree. And while I don't like Andrea as much I fully understand tolerating things in this new life that I would't have before all in the name of safety.
    I am also in the minority that didn't hate Lori. I thought she made mistakes. I liked that she was a complex character with flaws. And for the most part once she discovered Rick was alive she had his back through difficult decisions.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
  • 396734_460499190682825_1403421288_n.png


    I'm pretty sure I instantly ovulated then too!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    well, in watching TD, I did discover it wasn't her wedding ring Rick picked up, but the bullet from Carl shooting her, pretty sure Lori is dead. I do not, however, believe Carol is dead- I think she's somewhere in the prison with another psycho....waiting on Daryl to find her.

    I'm glad they addressed looking for baby stuff- when Maggie said "Lori's been asking me to keep an eye out for___" still think it was an afterthought on the show's part (addressing it anyways)- they would have found SOMETHING 8months on the road. just sayin.

    Michonne, very guarded person, and Andrea- has this "I'll give it to the strongest male I find" so weird they were together so long- being oppposites..almost like Andrea just finds someone to cling to - and looks for the strongest dude around - So far, I don't know enough about Michonne to dislike her, I do think she's kind of cool so far though. I do want to say - as far as Andrea being cool with Merle, I agree with another poster- that said he was just familiar- I doubt she'd hook up with him- he does have VD, and she KNOWS that - and there's no cure, or presumably no meds available either- you'd be foolish to hook up with him. and.....EW!

    the phone....can't wait to see what that's about! I didn't get very far in the comics yet, so I don't know anything about that - and from what I've seen the show and the comic don't necessarily follow the same storylines anyways.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Where do I start? best episode so far.

    They seem to be bringing in elements from the comic books again. I'm just wondering how far will they push it and will they show the most graphic story lines involving the governor?

    I'm accepting bets now that:-
    (a) Carol isn't dead. She'll resurface later maybe after the show returns from the mid-season break or right at the end of the mid-season finale.
    (b) Lori is deader than the deadest thing in a dead factory and is now a paid up, card-carrying member of her local branch of "Zombie Union". (I bet that Carl chickened out and didn't put a bullet in her head. I reckon the blood trail near where Rick found the bullet and the fat walker is probably from zombie Lori crawling away).

  • (b) Lori is deader than the deadest thing in a dead factory and is now a paid up, card-carrying member of her local branch of "Zombie Union". (I bet that Carl chickened out and didn't put a bullet in her head. I reckon the blood trail near where Rick found the bullet and the fat walker is probably from zombie Lori crawling away).

    OMG!! Funniest quote evah! :laugh:
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member

    (b) Lori is deader than the deadest thing in a dead factory and is now a paid up, card-carrying member of her local branch of "Zombie Union". (I bet that Carl chickened out and didn't put a bullet in her head. I reckon the blood trail near where Rick found the bullet and the fat walker is probably from zombie Lori crawling away).

    OMG!! Funniest quote evah! :laugh:
    I watched the talking dead after TWD and they said the zombie with the bloated stomach that Rick stabbed multiple times had just gorged himself on Lori's dead corpse, so I'd have to agree - she's dead, dead and not coming back again.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    dont forget her hair was sticking out of its mouth :laugh:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    This season is the best yet!! This was a great episode. I'm glad to see Rick have a real reaction of just going off the deep end. He had been holding it together for so long and Lori dying was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm surprised that one of the other females hasn't stepped up to take care of the baby. Don't get me wrong seeing Daryl basically made me start ovulating (and I don't even WANT kids) but I thought that maybe Maggie or Hershel's other daughter would step up. It was sad to hear Carl naming off all the women of the group that had died. I was REALLY hoping for a toddler zombie attack at the daycare where Maggie and Daryl were rummaging for food. That would have been awesome!!!

    I'm glad that Michonne actually left without Andrea. You would think that Andrea would trust someone that helped keep her alive for 8 months but then again after wandering the woods and probably smelling just as bad as the zombies I would want to stay somewhere that had showers, lights and hot food.

    As always I'm interested to see how the story line will go from here. Also this hasn't been a problem so far this season but last season we had some issues with comic book spoilers ruining the story line. PLEASE REMEMBER NO COMIC BOOK SPOILERS WHEN DISCUSSING THE SHOW'S STORY LINE
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    The daycare scene, for some reason, had me on the edge of my seat.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I also thought the daycare would have some creepy baby in it- sort of glad it didn't, just because how scary for a baby, but still, thought it MIGHT happen - especially with the possum in that was great.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    What an episode, so disappointed in Andrea letting Michonne walk away, I hope they meet up again soon!
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I might be in a minority. I like Michonne. She's got issues out the wazoo, and sometimes acts like an unsocialized feral animal, but I like that in a character.

    I like Andrea, too, and I can understand her point of view... even in trusting Merle when he was such a *kitten*. Anything that's familiar is going to be comforting after such prolonged trauma and stress.

    You're not alone, I really like both those characters, even if they might not be everyones cup of tea!