Heres where it gets serious. MYFITNESSPAL


Physically weigh your food the first times if you need. How much meat did you really have after you cut the fat off?

Heres where we face up to the first and biggest problem with weight loss.


If you dont know what you eat, then you can always use the excuse i think ive been eating well.

Not no more, everything that passes your lips goes in here. No excuses!

You know that day you didnt have time to fill in your my fitness pal diary..... LIAR!!!
You didnt fill it in because you had a bad day & thought if you pretended you didnt have time to fill it in everyone would believe you. Noone really believes you didnt have time. your doing a challenge, you have paid for it, youve spent twice as much time and money getting healthy food in the house. You didnt have time....? no one believes you!

Eat s healthy as you can, if you have a slip up, record it. Its the only way to improve in the long run. Be accountable! Most of us arent perfect and in three weeks you may have one or two slip ups. but when you look back you will realise even with the slips ups, you ate much healthier than you normally do, you've lost weight and feel better because your fuelling your bodies properly. Its not about being perfect, its about doing the best you can.