Why, what and when?

So, hi again! :flowerforyou:

Why did you decide on losing weight?

Do you have goals? Monthly, weekly, every 6 months? If so what kind of goals are these?

Do you have planned rewards for yourself?


I decided on losing weight because I wanted to know what it feels like to have a flat stomach!
I want to be able to wear whatever clothes I want, and look damn good in them. I was sick of always being out of energy and tired.

I do have a few goals.
First one is the company christmas party coming up on November 31st, I want to lose as much fat as I can by then. I just finished 30 day shred the day before yesterday, and I started insanity yesterday. I will try to do insanity every day. On Monday I am also gonna start going to the gym 4 times a week and start lifting. I've read multiple places that lifting makes your metabolism stronger. And I totally want that :D
My next goal is christmas, pretty much the same as the company christmas party, I just want to lose as much fat as possible, and gain muscle. By then I hope I will be satisfied enough to go into the ballerina store and buy the pair of workout shorts Ive been drooling over everytime I pass the store on my way to school!

Then you have summer 2013, this is the ultimate goal!! By summer 2013 (May or June, AT LEAST by June 13th, my 25th B-day)
By this time I hope to have finally felt what it is like to have a flat stomach. I hope my butt will be bigger and rounder, and I hope I have a thigh gap :D I will be rocking the beach!!

I have not really planned any specific rewards, all though I have thought about some. If I am as amazing as I hope I will be by summer, then I will invest in shorts and a top that shows a little stomach, just because I can, and because I will look good in it!!
Something like this, just not as much country lol!


I am also concidering getting a hip tattoo, or a piercing in my belly!

So guys, this group has been silent so far, share your goals and rewards with us! :D


  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,364 Member
    Hi all,

    First, thanks for creating this group LadyVeng3ance! I've been meaning to post, and since I recently set a bunch of goals for myself, this is the perfect post to start with.

    Why I want to lose weight: I've lost over 100 lbs and then gained back about 45 of it. I am not happy with the excess weight. It effects everything - my self-esteem, moods, energy levels, and health. So, I want to lose weight to feel good, look good, and be healthy! I also want to get back into all of those awesome clothes I bought and be able to shop for more!

    Short Term Goals:

    By November 17th (when I'm going to see Lindsey Stirling perform with my husband and friends), I want to be at 180lbs or less. I set this about a month and a half ago, and as of today, I reached my goal with time to spare.

    By Christmas I want to be at 170lbs or less.

    In November and the first half of December, I am exercising 6 times a week. This is to condition myself for the following longer-term goal:

    By my birthday at the end of March, I want to have completed the P90X program one time through.

    Longer term goal: to be at a healthy bmi and be physically fit by July. (hard to set an exact date, but I'm really trying for swimsuit season!)

    Rewards: I don't plan any specific rewards for myself, but every once in a while I do treat myself. At first, it was a perfume I love. Recently, I bought a dress for the Christmas season that is slightly snug and should fit just right with another 10 lbs off. I also get myself new exercise clothes and equipment to keep myself motivated, but none of this is set ahead of time for a particular milestone.