I'm going to hellinahandbasket. how d'ya handle cravings??



  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    Ack... I'm premenstrual, I'm going to blame that.

    And tired, and I had a rough week, and just found out I've got two more of the same coming.

    I decided a splurge was in order, and have consumed bad amounts of Joy Yee's, fried dumplings, and the basil beef chow fun... (I used to order this like twice a week)

    I guess one meal won't kill me, even if it was big...

    I've got leftovers though. Do I eat them for lunch tomorrow? Am I possibly strong enough to throw them out? (Outside, in the dumpster, so I don't eat them...lol) Eat some more?

    My real question ladies... what do you do/buy/make.... when you just really want something you know just really can't be part of your everyday life anymore?

    I go to the gym and work out for a couple hours so I can then eat or drink what I want to that day :drinker:
  • Anamdalta
    One of the things that helps me is not to consider any foods as something that I "can't" eat. But I think long and hard about if I really want certain things or not, so that I'm not just mindlessly eating. On the days when I eat enough fiber, in the form of veggies and fruits, and drink enough fluids, and balance my meals and snacks out, I don't get as hungry for the less wholesome foods. But once in a while a splurge is perfectly fine, and can actually help you continue to eat healthfully most of the time, because you want to and not because you have to! I'm gradually losing my taste for things that I previously found irresistible, and that is a major blessing! When you do eat something less than healthful, savor it, and don't apologize, to yourself or anyone else. Enjoy it thoroughly. Then go back to eating more healthfully the other days. I think this will help us make our new eating style a lifetime habit, if it is well balanced, with treats worked in too.

    This, exactly. Couldn't have said it better :)
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    Okay... PMS attack, again, and again here I sit with the Joy Yees.

    The good news is... I lost two pounds in the month since I started this thread, even with Thanksgiving thrown in there and all.

    Its not a lot, but its about as quick as I've been going, and considering I'm not exercising nor starving myself... I"m pleased.

    So.... I think I figured this one out myself.

    Joy Yees once a month isn't going to kill me. None of it will, I just have to not be doing it often, and when I am, to *try* to practice moderation... hahaha.


    Thanks for listening fabulous ladies...