10 min is not enough!!! I need more time!!!!! 11/10

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Between my job changing over past two years and gym membership changes blah blah I found I had to change workout routine...well now that holidays are coming and time is crunched we find usually working out goes to the wayside...but NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It does not have to. I found working out even for 10-20 min is very effective. I did Billy Blanks 10 min videos, On Demand had some 12 min routines and Jackie Warner has 15 min strength training videos and Fitness Blender too.

So my challenge is even if you worked out today...do an 8-10 min routine of anything, cardio or resistance training. Do with 100% power and see how breathless and sweaty you are! YOU can fit it in!
For more questions talk with Mrs. Lisa Lisa (GI JANE to me) who lost 30 pounds doing this concept as well...yes she doesn't other things too but it plays a great part in routine and you don't have to live with guilt, "I didn't workout today!"



  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Great idea! I am usually far too tired after work and cooking dinner, helping the kids with homework, putting them to bed and then clearing enough room on the living room floor to do much, but I could manage 10 minutes before passing out in a heap. Which Billy Blanks videos are these. I love his Tae bo ones.

    Carolyn x
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I did a mini workout yesterday. I woke up later than I had hoped and only biked for 20 minutes at the YMCA.

    Also, there's a super simple Mike Rowe workout. Its basically just burpees in a number pyramid, starting at 10 in the first set, down to 1 in the 10th set. Mathematically it comes down to 55 burpees. (AKA a prison workout)

  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    One hour of Les Mills Combat done! Since worked out with Super Trainer Shawn yesterday house work will probably be my extra time (don't knock it, I put the music on and dance through the house work-try it out some time, plus need the extra "rehearsal" time since performing next Sat and had to miss class this past week.)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Started Convict Conditioning again and decided to get back to the splits training. Only one inch to go on the front splits. Several more on the box splits! Feeling good now. Thanks for the push WW :flowerforyou:
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I did a mini workout yesterday. I woke up later than I had hoped and only biked for 20 minutes at the YMCA.

    Also, there's a super simple Mike Rowe workout. Its basically just burpees in a number pyramid, starting at 10 in the first set, down to 1 in the 10th set. Mathematically it comes down to 55 burpees. (AKA a prison workout)


    "And what I like to do in between sets, and this is optional, is go to the bathroom and vomit."


    Yep...I'm nowhere near being able to do 55 burpees, but I look forward to the day when I can say I did this workout in full. I'll need to build up to it...doing mini-workouts! :smile:

    Thanks for the challenge to exercise regardless of how much time I have, garlic7girl. :flowerforyou:
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I got my quickie in early yesterday. I do 20 Second Fitness 6 days a week Monday through Saturday. The infamous burpees mentioned by Mr. Aak is a frequent circuit done throughout the week. It is usually 2 four minute workouts with 20 second repetitions of varied strength and cardio with a 10 second rest between.

    This type of exercise has mucho benefits regardless of the short length. It wakes your metabolism and enables you to burn all day not just while you work out. You build up strength and endurance. You will develop muscle definition. The goal is to push yourself to failure (where you cannot not do anymore.) You go hard for the 20 seconds. You jump as high as you can, go as fast as you can, do as many reps in 20 seconds as you can... Get the heart rate up high. Each day is body part specific allowing a full week for that body part to rest. This fitness routine combines strength and cardio to encompass total health.

    If you like and time allows choose an activity that is fun for you. Basketball, football, hiking, bowling (no laughing you burn calories doing this too), bicycling, walking, tennis... Just mix it up to ward off boredom.

    Have fun!