SOS: Shout out Sundays

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Okay hit me one good time! What is good this week today or right now? Any learning going on?


  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I just got back from a good karate lesson. The first in ages where I haven't felt like all my joints are going to tear (if joints can tear!) Had a fab week at work too. Working with a group of 5 six year olds, I asked why they thought the cup of sand would weigh more than the cup of sugar and got the answer "because T's been eating the sugar!" I so LOLed!

    Also started Convict Conditioning, so some learning going on there, and I'm almost in a front split! Pretty good week for me. Is that the sort of thing you meant? Sorry if I'm completely off topic :bigsmile:

    Oh and I have to teach Spiderman some karate moves to help him fight evil. Any suggestions?

    And I got to see the (male) teacher I work with in a dress, lol. I was out of the classroom for some admin stuff so he had to be the one dressed for the sari demonstration :laugh:
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Had a great workout with Super Trainer on Friday night then was up early yesterday morning to go to Les Mills Combat (taught by Super Trainer) but that was all the working out I got this past week, normally, I have two classes and a training session with Super Trainer and a bellydance class, then when I'm not dealing with broken toe I go out to walk/jog outside (and will do this on one of my no workout days if I miss one of my classes or if I am travelling I'll go to the gym at the hotel.) Missed dance class and one class with Super Trainer because travelling for work and can't walk/jog to make up for any of it because of toe (hopefully soon, it's getting better!)

    So I say it was a "MEH" week.

    Will be able to do two classes with Super Trainer (we're working on the time for training session since both of us have screwy schedules this coming week) and will be at dance class on Tues (I'd better be, last class before performance next Sat!!!!) and have a performance next Sat.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Forgot the learning side, I can use some help with this:
    Super Trainer wants me to try having protein shakes for breakfast since I'm bored with my usual breakfasts. I bought a new blender (had one of those bullet thingies but the blades were dull) I've got frozen strawberries, plan non fat yogurt, bananas, almond butter (allergic to peanuts,) flax seeds, and protein powder.

    So my help I need: anybody got some really good protein shake recipes that they can recommend?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Oh and I have to teach Spider-man some karate moves to help him fight evil. Any suggestions?

    Well, he is really flexible and strong perhaps Ms Carolyn you can teach him to to think clearly about his reactions! To make his movements more purposeful and not waste energy!!!!!!!! LOL!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    This week I did not drink enough water and ate too many carbs. Lesson learned hopefully and I will finally get a grasp of the water intake.
    The really good thing was Children's Church. I lead offering. I am teaching the children about being salt. I keep saying, "I see an opportunity to be salt." They look, observe, and meet the need. I also learned that everywhere but at home mistakes are no "biggie". I need to bring that philosophy home. The children were even repeating my phrase, "No biggie." So cool! The children are like sponges which in turn makes me like a sponge.