Starting Topic!

_Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
You want to be Sexy for Cupid? Post your starting weights here, along with your goal weights! First weigh in is next monday! All weights need to be in by Sunday at midnight!!!


  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Last week I was at 196, my goal for V-Day is still 175!
    Today I'm weighing in at 194! whoo-hoo!
    I'll put in measurements at our first official weigh in :)
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    Still hovering on or around 137! Plateau for 5 months. I'm not disheartened by it. I had 3 surgeries during that time. Lots of swelling and water weight to lose, and I did it! I'm still restricted to walking or elliptical only for exercise. Hope to get cleared for ab work and weights and 30 day Shred soon. Good luck everyone! :drinker:
  • I'm at 149.5 right now--I'm really glad we're challenging ourselves again because I'm struggling with finding time and energy to exercise. Which means i also have more trouble restricting my calorie intake.... I'm down to single digit sizes, so this challenge may be the boost I need to complete my weight loss and begin maintenance. :smile: My goal for v-day is 130.... but I'll be happy with 135! :laugh:
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Yay gang!!! So excited to have everyone back together!!

    I lost for the first time in months today!! YAY!!!!!! 1.4 lbs down (but actually 3.6 lbs down from a week and a half ago!!!)

    I missed my goal:
    It is my goal to get to 165 lbs by Feb 14th, 2013. That's a loss of 9.4 lbs over 13 weeks. It would be amazing to get to 160 lbs (159.5 lbs was my lowest weight ever), but I am not going to be greedy. I hope to start up Rushfit again, once we have some winter routine scheduled. And I also hope to get my Bodymedia Fit working again. We are thinking about getting a treadmill with some of the wedding money as well, but we will see how far it stretches.
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 213 Member
    After a weekend away with friends for some shopping, I am at my highest in over a year, 173 lbs. It's hard for me even to look at it.
    I haven't exercised in a lifetime and been INCREDIBLY lax on my food choices. I really need to get back on track. My goal for Valentines Day is to get down to 160lbs.
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 213 Member
    Starting Weight: 173 lbs
    Goal Weight 160 lbs

    Week #1: 170.2 lbs

    Weight Loss To Goal: 10.2 lbs

    I am buoyed by this, even though I know much of it is water weight.
    It sets me on the right track.

    I made better food choices this week and, for the most part, held out in the face of temptation :tongue:

    My hopes for the week are that my brother in law can install the rest of the flooring in our basement so that we can get our treadmill back up and running.
    I need to get back on an exercise routine.
    Even if I don't lose much more weight, toning up would be a major NSV!

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    Well, I've gone up to 207 :sad: Things have been super stressful lately. My Grandma, whom I am very close to is going to pass on any day now. She's 95, and it's time, but it's such a sad time that I've lost interest in everything. I will do better, I will get back on track.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Hi guys! My office computer isn't formatting MFP so the new topic will be up this evening when I get home!! This means an extra few hours to post your weigh ins if you haven't yet!!
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I've gone up to 207 :sad: Things have been super stressful lately. My Grandma, whom I am very close to is going to pass on any day now. She's 95, and it's time, but it's such a sad time that I've lost interest in everything. I will do better, I will get back on track.

    I can definitely empathize with this.

    I hope her passing is painless and you have the compassion and support that you deserve from those around you :flowerforyou:

    We're here to support you as well, all you have to do is say the word!
  • My starting weight is 287lbs. My ultimate goal is to get down to 160lbs!!! But realistically... Valentine's Day... I think getting down to 257lbs. is ideal.
    I struggle with comfort foods... I enjoy eating almost anything fried and I LOVE bread and pasta! French Toast with Orange Marmalade is my weakness. -__- I'm always trying to make excuses for myself... and working at Applebees seriously doesn't help. But the worst part is we have a Weight Watcher's menu and a Under 550 Calories menu and I don't utilize either one. Recently, I was rejected by the guy I have a crush on... my lack of self confidence played a major part in the events that unfolded that night. </3 But I don't want to give up! Somewhere down the line after I lose some weight a gain some confidence... I'm going to try again on my own terms!!!!v!!!
    I have dreams and goals that I want to make a reality, and death, diabetes or heart disease isn't apart of those plans!!! I want to further my professional career, be able to buy and wear sexier clothing, and be all in all healthier. #Determinatiin
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    My starting weight is 287lbs. My ultimate goal is to get down to 160lbs!!! But realistically... Valentine's Day... I think getting down to 257lbs. is ideal.
    I struggle with comfort foods... I enjoy eating almost anything fried and I LOVE bread and pasta! French Toast with Orange Marmalade is my weakness. -__- I'm always trying to make excuses for myself... and working at Applebees seriously doesn't help. But the worst part is we have a Weight Watcher's menu and a Under 550 Calories menu and I don't utilize either one. Recently, I was rejected by the guy I have a crush on... my lack of self confidence played a major part in the events that unfolded that night. </3 But I don't want to give up! Somewhere down the line after I lose some weight a gain some confidence... I'm going to try again on my own terms!!!!v!!!
    I have dreams and goals that I want to make a reality, and death, diabetes or heart disease isn't apart of those plans!!! I want to further my professional career, be able to buy and wear sexier clothing, and be all in all healthier. #Determinatiin

    Welcome Micki! I'm so glad you decided to join in! I'm going to add your post in the topic for this week!! :)