Can you make my plate please? 11/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
My plate...try it today for dinner and tell me tomorrow what you think of it!!!!!! YOU think Government on target or way off? How did you feel with this eating style???



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Hmmm. doesn't exactly look like my dinner plate, I was hoping that I could change one thing on it (I don't usually have fruit at supper, I usually have double veggies)... but will have wait til Wed to try, tonight is dance class night and I don't have time to go home for supper, so this is my eat out night (ie go to Panera, get salad with dressing on side after long discussion with Panera people about WHY I want dressing on side, find seat to eat salad with 1/4 of the dressing the give me, eat salad while reading book)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    So when I was looking for "the right website" I looked into Livestrong (which is called MyPlate), Michelle Obama's, and MFP. I'd played with Livestrong before and it was a pain to try to get to everything. The views kept changing and nothing seemed to stay updated. Then I looked at the GOV website and it made Livestrong look organized. Everything was yet another website with yet another login. So, here I am at MFP, losing weight. It's just a simple site that does what it's supposed to.

    Edit: If MFP didn't exist I still wouldn't use either of those sites. I'd be using SparkPeople instead. It's a bit more cluttered than MFP, but its leagues better than the other two.

    Edit2: And fitocracy......"Dude, do you even lift?" /musclehead
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I like the concept of the plate rather better than the pyramid. Since I home school my children I am familiar with the government teachings of health. As with so much you have to take it with a grain of salt. Some of it will hold up and other parts will not.

    But again if you are teaching to kids how to eat better and what that might look like the plate is clearer than the pyramid. Every meal should have a vegetable but as for the fruit I believe that is 2 -3 servings per day. Now since it is a plate I think it is safe to assume that that is why fruit is included on the plate because typically you will eat three meals a day. Vegetables are 3-5 servings which is why the pie slice on plate is larger.

    I think over all it is an accurate way to picture what each meal should look like. But I confess this is not how my plate looks. I am fortunate if I have fruit once a day and vegetables twice.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    This is my first time doing one of these daily challenges as I just found this group while roaming around MFP last night. So here goes...

    I really like the way the my plate picture is set up because it helped me to visually see what my dinner should look like. I will say that I usually don't have fruit with my dinner, unless I put some apple or pear slices in my salad, which doesn't happen very often. I decided to take the challenge tonight though. It got slightly derailed due to coming home from the gym and finding out that my roommates had made pizza for dinner and were offering it to me. I can't turn down free food, especially homemade pizza so I figured I would eat one small slice and consider that my grains and dairy (that counts right? lol). So my plate looked something like this:

    Dairy: cheese that was on my pizza
    Grain: pizza crust and a small helping of pasta salad
    veggies: peas and carrots
    protein and fruit: I mixed a serving of almonds and a 1/4 a cup of raspberries into some greek yogurt as my dessert.

    Overall I think it is a good concept, but not necessarily a realistic one for every single meal. I know that I do not want to eat fruit with my meals, but that isn't to say that I don't get my servings in through snacks or making a post workout smoothie. Also, I sometimes don't have a meat with my meal and other nights I don't include a veggie, but I typically having a serving of everything somewhere in my meals during the day. I think the important part is making sure that your meals are for the most part balanced and contain healthy portions of servings of the various food groups. :smile:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    YOU guys rock! Yeah Ms Agge I think you hit it. They want for American adults to include more fruit and veggies in diet. I like the Cancer Society's plate better because it has half veggies on plate. Which is easier to do for lunch and a salad with pizza! Or a hamburger with side salad or veggie platter. Adults still don't get their required 3-5 servings per day. Plus, I found when I talk with my clients at work most are visual and most don't get the whole detailed blah blah blah about food but if they see a plate with half veggies vs half meat then they get it.
    I think it is a nice conversation starter about health....not an exact way to live everyday like the rest of you said.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    So true about the not enough fruits and veggies in the course of a day. I would get 2-3 fruits and/or maybe a salad or a veggie or two with supper, depending on the day, once I started tracking here, it was eye opening that I had slipped so much from before when I was on a "diet" (I know, gasp, I said the "D" word, but that's what it was and I paid a lot of money for it til they pushed me beyond my goal to the one they wanted which was not good for me, but that's a whole other story- my point was that they required two fruits and three veggies per day.)
    What I started doing is keeping a 6 pack of V-8 (Low Sodium) in my fridge and if at the end of my day (or if I was being lazy and didn't want to cook/make a veggie dish) I saw I was short on veggies, I grab a can and at least get something in while I'm cooking whatever else it is I'm going to have- helps fill me up and gives me those missing veggies!