My journey

I am 24 years old with multiple problems affecting my fertility. My husband and I have been TTC for over 4 years now and have finally found a good specialist and some answers. I have PCOS, only 1 ovary, my AMH is .41 and I do not ovulate. At this point IVF is our only option and we are possibly running out of time but there is no way to tell when my egg reserves will deplete. I have always struggled with my weight and doing the extensive research, like we all do in our situation, I hacve learned a lot about how PCOS and insulin resistance affects the body and why all those skinny girls could eat more than me and I gain the weight lol. I have been working hard to get healthy and lose as much weight as I can as we are about to start the process. I feel incredibly blessed as to how things have been turning out. If your going through it you know just how expensive IVF is and being so young and just starting our careers my husband and I were scrambling to find the money feeling helpless. My mom quit her job working with me and got a new one so she could cash in her retirement to help and when she got to her new job we got the best news of all. Her new insurance had $20,000 in IVF coverage and $6,000 in meds. That would be one of the good things about being so young, I have about 13 months until my 26th birthday when I can no longer be covered under my parents insurance. I consider myself very lucky and am hopeful that everything is falling into place for a reason.

Please share your stories and concerns. It's very hard to find people who understand what we go through and how we struggle every day.


  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    Hi! My name is Cindy and I am in the middle of my second cycle with a transfer date of 11/30. I am a gestational surrogate for a wonderful couple who has had a long and challenging journey. I have worked so hard to be healthy and followed the medication protocol religiously, and I was just crushed when the first cycle resulted in a BFN. I have been wishing and praying that this second cycle is successful. The IM (intended mother) had her embryos frozen prior to chemotherapy, and once they are used up she is unable to harvest more eggs.

    I'm so happy to hear that things are falling into place for you! I wish you well on this journey!
  • That's a wonderful thing that you are doing. I wish you and the IM the best of luck.
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    That's a wonderful thing that you are doing. I wish you and the IM the best of luck.

    Thank you! We will accept any and all luck sent our way! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi! I'm 33 years old and have PCOS also. Married for almost 8 years and still no baby:( Tried to stimulate ovaries with shot and lots of drugs. My husband and I did a round of IVF and was able to get 8 eggs. Did 4 rounds of FET, none of the eggs took. We are looking for a new Fertility doctor, 3rd one in 5 year. My husband is in the Army, so that is a hassle every couple of years. Tried cutting out caffeine and sugars. Still no luck. So we are looking at doing another round of IVF when he come home from another deployment. The doctors can't tell me why my eggs are not taking. So i figured out while my husband is gone why not try losing some weight! We are not opposed to adoption, but want to try everything in our power to conceive our own. This will be the last round, getting expensive.
  • Lampiekat
    Lampiekat Posts: 2
    How are you getting on with your IVF journey now? Hope all is good.

    We're doing a form of IVF called PGD IVF as my husband is a carrier of a chromosome translocation which my daughter has got and has developmental and learning delays and is also partially deaf.
    Having this form of IVF can reduce the same thing happening.

    We're almost able to do it except that i am over weight for my height so can not get accepted for funding. It's only 21lbs i need to lose but at present i am struggling to get going