Reason you want to lose weight music wise

hinzee4 Posts: 155 Member
What reason do you want to lose weight that has to do with playing your instrument, in a band, whatever?

I want to lose not only for health, but I can't stand looking at pictures of me someone took when I play out with whatever band I'm playing with. Also, playing drums I would have to say it's easier to move my arms if they were a tad lighter! Moving equipment would be easier too if I was in shape.


  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    I always wanted to be thinner, but I tell you the moment I joined a band as a singer I started doing something about it! I didn't want pictures of me fat! (I didnt lose as much weight as I wanted for that first show :/)
  • ellenasl210
    ellenasl210 Posts: 95 Member
    I didn't start losing for music at all, but I've noticed since I started doing muscle work outs on my abs I've moved up from a 3 size reed to 4! my private instructor is amazed how quickly i moved through the sizes haha. I play clarinet(: and sax... but just for pit orch.
  • RickChurch
    RickChurch Posts: 3 Member
    I perform a lot and teach a lot, in addition to wanting to be healthy...I AM VAIN...and I want to look good for ME, my wife, and kids. Most of the pics I see of myself I am not proud of and I really do like myself, just not the photos!
  • Flamenquero
    I have found the wrist curls and reverse wrist curls are great for my fingers. I also think squats and seated rows have helped with my sitting posture.
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    I want to be able to jump with my guitar ---easily....roll around---dance
    cannot do that being overweight
  • RickChurch
    RickChurch Posts: 3 Member
    great ideas. thank you
  • musiqueange
    musiqueange Posts: 64 Member
    I'm both a flute player and classical vocalist and I'm hoping that I can gain back my breath support by weight loss. That wasn't my main goal but I joined a new ensemble last year and I realized I wasn't breathing as well as I used to. I'm pretty good at faking but it'd be nice to actually be able to not struggle making those long phrases.
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Besides the health reasons, I want to look good on stage when performing with my band. I play guitar some of the time, but on songs where I don't, I don't have that instrument to hide behind. I don't want to pretend I'm feeling confident, I want to actually feel confident :)
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    What started my weight-loss journey this time around was when my acid reflux was so bad it was starting to interfere with my singing. I was hoarse all the time, couldn't get through rehearsals, couldn't maintain my range, etc. That was my red flag.

    Since losing as much as I have, and changing my diet, singing has returned to where it should be for me. Much of a relief. But I'm not done with the weight-loss yet. I want to be in a healthy BMI for the first time in my life, and hopefully that will help not only the reflux from staying away, but will help my stamina for singing, my violin playing, etc.

    Fingers crossed....
  • BFarnsworth
    BFarnsworth Posts: 210 Member
    I want to ove around more with my bass ... Not have to sit as much while playing.
  • Hooha2thebeach
    I would love to lose weight so that I feel more confident performing. Once I start singing everything is usually ok but I know that I am being judged on my weight before I even open my mouth.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    so that my acoustic guitar stops looking like a ukelele when I wear it....not quite that bad, but it feels that way.
  • JMStockman1979
    I want to lose weight for my health and because I've finally gotten into a good band, and we're about to have our first show in about a month. I want to feel better when playing my bass, and gain the confidence to play harmonica as well as my flute, too. Not to mention singing and my other instruments. I want to be able to do it all AND play with my kid! I want to like my pictures. I want to be less critical of those pictures. I want to be able to run, jump, and dance while I perform. Like April Wine said, "Journey to the Stars, Rock and Roll Guitars, I LIKE TO ROCK!" (Even though we play metal with a bunch of other stuff thrown in)
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    To look sexy on stage. I have a great stage presence...People say I'm the most me on stage. I'm a bit awkward off stage, but something about playing out... I feel on top of the world with no concerns. Why not look how I feel.
  • dantrick
    dantrick Posts: 369 Member
    i would like my guitar to be a little closer to me. helps in achieving the correct angle to hold it. In turn making it easier to play.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    Be glad you don't play an Ovation - that would be even worse ;)
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    Just because I'm the oldest guy in the band, I don't want to be the most unfit looking.
  • Maris421
    I want to look better the next time I perform. I hate the photos of the last time - all I can see is my stomach sticking out. I want to wear something slinky at a holiday show where I'm doing a solo.
  • SusieCuteYay
    SusieCuteYay Posts: 59 Member
    I would like to look slimmer, playing music.
  • clairets93
    Well I'm training to become a professional vocalist, which means my entire body is my instrument. All that extra weight around my tummy makes it hard to see my ribs, and makes breath support harder in general. I need a better immune system so I don't get sick so often. And dang, I'm a performer! I have to look good on stage! Not to mention I have my junior recital coming up in a month. I have to look banging in my dress, ya feel me?