Dating Sites and Weight Loss

If you are dieting, do you mention it?

Do you post your side-by-side progress pictures if you have them?

Do you only want people to see and know the hot new you?

Does anyone hide their dieting on dates?

What is your opinion of others who do show these things?

I'm fairly proud of my journey and my progress so far and have not shied away from on my dating profile. This could be a taboo that I am not aware of though. I admit I am also attracted to ladies who are on a similar journey as myself and have progress to show for it. I respect anyone who takes control of their life, and this holds even truer while dating.


  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Don't mention it. Serious.

    Kinda like lifting weights, if I were to make a big deal about me going to the gym 5 days a week

    since I don't look like Jay Cutler, or insert someone here, they will just think you are a try hard.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Don't mention it. I'm sure it's something you can bring up after the 3rd or 4th date, but I wouldn't put it on your profile. Some people might not be interested in dating someone that has lost a good amount of weight. They be concerned with excess skin or that you might put it all back on.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    My profile has some bullet points with hobbies and interests listed. This is what I wrote about my weight loss because I'd rather it be known up front, but I also don't think it's so detailed as to scare anyone off.

    * I try to get in exercise several days a week and am in the process of losing some weight and being as healthy as possible. I'd love to have someone to share fitness and health goals with.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    I would never mention dieting or weight loss on a profile personally (though I might mention the gym or activities I do), but it would certainly come up in conversation on a first date or in correspondence.. particularly as I have not hit my goal yet. The concept that someone is working on their health is attractive to me..they don't have to be in a state of perfection.. I am more interested in knowing they are committed to a certain lifestyle.

    If someone is turned off by the concept of excess skin and weight gain, there is no point in in getting to a 3rd or 4th date to find that stuff out, in my humble opinion. I like things a little more upfront. Getting naked is not the time to find that out either.. :tongue:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I think MFP sort of combines the two. :tongue:
  • Canther
    I am taking your honest answers to heart and have edited out weight loss and dieting out of my profile. I appreciate the advice and will try only bringing it up only only during appropriate discussions and possibly before naked time.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Don't mention it. In person, it's fine to say it but to me, it might be one of those things that is best said in person once they know your personality. It is fine to say you like the gym though!
  • Lizlicious2187
    Lizlicious2187 Posts: 178 Member
    I probably wouldn't say that I'm dieting but I do mention that I like to be active (ie running and playing soccer in my case). I tried the online dating thing before I started getting serious about losing weight and getting into shape but it just didn't work out too well because I wasn't confident enough in myself. I finally feel like I'm ready to put myself out there more even though I'm still working towards my ultimate goal. I don't think I'd have the balls to put my before picture on a dating site though...I figure I don't plan on gaining back that 35 pounds so no need to :drinker: Since many first dates involve dinner, I typically let myself relax and order what I want because it's only one meal...I just make sure to get a solid workout in before!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I gloss over it personally by saying something along the lines of "Health has become very important to me the past couple years. I like to be active and do things, while vegging on the couch might be okay once a month, if that's an ordinary weekend we probably aren't a match"
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I wouldn't put that you lost so much weight specifically, but maybe that you like to work out and stay active and would like to meet someone with similar interests. :)
  • shamrck44
    I might mention that you enjoy being healthy and looking for someone similar but I wouldn't say dieting per-se.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Yeah, not on a dating site and if I was, i'd mention I like being active and that's it.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Agree with everyone else: Active = Yes. Diet = No!

    Good Luck on the site :flowerforyou:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    this is my dating profile picture:


    I talk about lifting and changing my body and how I need a guy that I can work out with and high five at the gym and grow more and more amazing together. I have a picture of myself half dressed so I dont have to pick a bodytype, they can just categorize me however they please. I also mention that if you dont care about what you eat, dont exercise and are a lazy POS do NOT contact me unless you want to be laughed at for bad reading comprehension on top of your already below average awesomeness level.

    You dont have to be PC when you 're looking for someone to share your life with. You can be yourself. Youre supposed to be yourself. Its not HR.

    Its intimacy and no one else's business... so if you are a former fatty that doesnt want a fatty that could bring back bad habits, its your prerogative.