Cons and desired cosplays for 2013

Hey everyone, I'm new to the group, been out of cosplaying for a few years due to my size, but this year I am sooo excited to be jumping back in!!

I'm in Aus so obviously the cons I'll be going to you wont know heh heh

but as far as cosplays I'm hoping to do Jessica rabbit by mid year and Lollipop chainsaw by the end of the year :)
Also Sailor Venus and Sophitia (sol cal 4 version)


  • Artemis00diana
    Wow! That is some Really Nice Cosplays you have planed! Please post pics when you are done ^^
    What have you been before?
  • candirose69
    Im an identical twin so have done lots of twin cosplays
    peach/daisy from mario
    chi/frayer from chobits

    ive also done rabi-en-rose :)

    otherwise ive also played the mascot for Manifest, a big con here in melbourne
  • Artemis00diana
    OMG that so cool! I now a pair too, and they also do the mostt´amazing and fun things - there is so much cool twin stuff out there ^^
  • EveryoneElseIsTaken
    I'll be going as either Nyo!Belarus or just regular Belarus to our second Hetalia meetup :3
  • JeepersMister
    JeepersMister Posts: 33 Member
    I'm going to be Iron Man and, if I get skinny enough, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch from The Venture Bros. this year at Otakon
  • Artemis00diana
    Wow ! thats sounds really cool to!! good uck with that and please send inp ictures
  • SynicalEnvee
    Those cosplays sound amazing!

    My goal for cosplay is to be the perfect William T Spears from Black Butler.
    Thats one cosplay for sure I plan on doing. I don't know if I'm going to con yet but , fingers are crossed.

    I'd love to do Death the Kid, Young Grell and Honey-sempai.
    That would just be awesome.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Anime Banzai, hoping to go as Miku in Love is War. :)
  • ucintegra1
    ucintegra1 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, Anime Expo in Los Angeles, CA is more than 6 months away and haven't solidified a cosplay choice yet. However, the idea of a crossplay has interested me. I'll most likely use my Hibari Kyoya cosplay from Hitman Reborn again, but I want to add at least one more.
  • ariav3
    Hope to do Major Sakamoto from Strike Witches by Otakon in August! If I can stick to my plan and lose 30+ pounds by then, then I totally can. (: Good luck to everyone!
  • ArturiaPendragon
    I've actually lost about 24 lbs and am going as three versions of Saber from Fate/Stay Night to Sakuracon (Seattle) in March. I would like to lose a few more pounds to fit into the costumes better, but I want to finally cosplay (as I am already 25). I tell myself if I lose weight, then I will get my costumes again in a smaller size (since I buy them).

    I know I'll be self conscious, but I just want to have fun.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Sakura con sounds like so much fun! I'll be big as a house then though, and will probably have a baby a week after, so I'll have to wait until 2014's.
  • sophierocious
    I'll be at Pax East and Pax Prime and I want to go to NYCC.
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    For sure:
    Almacon in Michigan
    Colossalcon in Ohio
    Youmacon in Michigan

    Shutocon in Michigan
    Otakon in Maryland

    I'm also making my first Kigarumi <3 I actually don't have any other cosplay plans for this year--as of yet.
  • Aeonis
    Aeonis Posts: 24 Member
    Definitely Attending:

    There's a ton others I'd like to get to like Katsucon, or NYCC. Maybe AnimeNext.

    I have no idea what costumes I'm doing though XD I'm just working on things and if they get finished, they go.
  • Artemis00diana
    This alll sound so amazing ! Oh I wish I lived in the US, I seems like you have so many cons to choose from
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    Good luck to all of you guys! Your cosplays sound amazing, and I can't wait to see pictures!

    I'll be attending Youmacon in Michigan, and I'm hoping to cosplay as Lulu from Final Fantasy X, and Mistress 9 from Sailor Moon pending weight loss and funds. :)
  • superdrive0
    Planned conventions/Cosplays for the year:

    Ohayocon, Columbus, OH / Appa kigurumi (Avatar the Last Airbender), Nintendo 3DS Mii
    Almacon, Alma, MI / nothing new planned
    Katsucon, National Harbor, MD / Tohru (Fruits Basket)
    Animarathon, Bowling Green, OH / Tomoyo (Card Captor Sakura)
    Shutocon, Lansing, MI / nothing new planned
    Otakon, Baltimore, MD / Saki (Eden of the East), Someone from Code Geass. Not sure who, will depend on my weight loss at the time
    Youmacon, Detroit. MI / Nothing planned YET but will probably have something new for this

    My BF and I also made it our goal to make Asuka and Shinji plugsuits when we both meet our weight-loss goals. We are going to Japan in May and would like to have them by then so we can take pictures at Eva World, but I'm not sure if we will be ready to pull them off yet by that point. So they may end up being for Youmacon.
  • elesazahhak
    I only have October London Expo planned; have two Homestuck cosplay groups. I'm going to be Horuss in a Dancestor Sailor Scout group (gotta lift a lot of weights!) and Roxy in a Trickster Alphas group. Whenever I lose more weight, though, I hope to be Elesa from Pokemon, in her Black/White outfit :)
  • Chordata25
    Chordata25 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm going to Otakon this year and will hopefully be able to fit into my Haruhi Suzumiya outfit! So excited to see everyone's pics of their awesome cosplay! :)