Welcome Everyone!

mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
Here is a good place to introduce yourself. Let us know about you and your goals.


  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I'm Tina aka MrsEwert. I'm 33 years old (how did that happen?) and a wife to Chad. I'm mother of three kids. (10-7-6) So I can't even blame my weight on them as my youngest is 6 years old. LOL I work at a desk all day long and need to lose 100+ lbs. My first goal is to lose 50lbs before we hit the lake lot again this summer. (We go back out May 1)
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I am a working mom of 2.. 5 years and 15 months. I also work a desk job. I have about 10-15 more pounds to lose after already losing 15.
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Nice job on the WL thus far!!! Welcome to the group!
  • Papps
    Papps Posts: 9
    I'm Demetria- a mom of a 13 month old little girl, and I work FT (desk job) . I have about 35 or 40 lbs to get to my ideal weight, but I'm taking baby steps and want to lose 15 lbs first!
  • aprilelayne
    aprilelayne Posts: 41 Member
    I'm April....and hate to admit that I turn 37 in February. Mom to two kiddos, 8yr and 2yr. I work a desk job as well, but luckily have a lunch workout group that lets me get up to 5 workouts a week. I've always just done two or three, but I'm determined to hit all 5 now.

    I previously lost 60lbs on WW, but between the second baby and life in general, I need to re-lose 20lbs.
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! I'm Elaine, 33 years old, I am a mom of 2 boys ( 4 & 6) working as physio assistant in a nursing home. Pretty active job but there's a lot, a mean a lots of goodies floating around everyday. (box of chocolat, cake, etc..) I have lost 30 lbs so far and would like to lose another 15. I have been at the same weight now for about 1 year and would like to see the scale move.
  • Jenny775
    Jenny775 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 37 and mother of two. Busy career in the legal field but manage to get my behind to the gym several times a week. My biggest challenge thus far has been planning out meals/prepping foods. I would like to lose about 60 lbs but taking baby steps to get there so it hopefully sticks. :)
  • Hello Everyone.

    I'm Mesha and I'm a single working mother of 2 kids. I have a 4 and 6 year old. I'm 34 years old and trying to lose 25 more pounds. I have a desk job, so I don't get to get up much. I've started taking my 15 minute breaks at work and walking, I also have an hour for lunch which I try to finish eating in 30 mins and walk the next 30 mins. I could use some more encouragement, to get on my treadmill at home, after I've cooked dinner and finish helping the kids with homework. I'm here to give and receive support!!!
  • peanutbutterz
    peanutbutterz Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Everyone.. I am a former MFPer and I am trying to do this again. I am a working Mommy and my beautiful little baby who is now a toddler didn't cause the weight gain I did. Although, I am not comfortable about divulging too much about me but I can relate to many stories. I started in May with 59pds to lose and had some set backs but lost 11 and have another 48 to go.

    My stats:

    Height: 5'1
    SW: 174 lbs
    CW: 162 lbs
    GW 120 lbs

    Short Term Goal: 155lbs by New Years
    Mid Term Goal: 132 by March (hopefully get pregnant)
    Pregnant Goal: 157 lbs (just 25 gain in pregnancy)
    Long Term Goal: 120lbs 6 months after pregancy
  • Hi everybody my name is Karina. (All welcome to friend me)

    I am a working mom. Also with a desk job. I have 1 child and he's 2 years old.
    I am 20 years old as well, soon I'll be a full time student.

    My goal is to lose 60 pounds..
  • phillipctx
    phillipctx Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP after trying WW and other diets. I'm hoping the tracking of actual calories and seeing my nutrition info will help me day to day! I am a working Mom (desk job) with two beautiful kiddos, 8 and 6. My goals are to lose about 50 pounds, consistantly stay on my calorie target, and get back in shape with a great exercise program.
  • Hey everyone!
    I'm 25 and a mother of 3 with the youngest being 9 months old. I hope to be down to 135 by her first birthday in February and down to 120 by my 26th birthday in May. Currently weigh 143lbs.
  • niess96
    niess96 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Tina. I am 41(about to turn 42). I have two kiddos, 9 and 11, and a full time desk job. I have already lost 9 pounds, but am hoping to lose another 25 or so!
  • tzmama3
    tzmama3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Theresa -- I am 41 and I have 3 kids (11, 5, and 20 months) . I work at home full time desk job, fortunate to work from home, but have minimal to no activity throughout the day and the kitchen and goodies at my disposal :/

    I have 140 to lose. I lost 35 on WW previously, pretty easily actually, but since having my son and turning 40, I have put it all back on + some. I'm looking to do 5 lb mini goals and need a place to be held accountable and get ideas.
  • LesliGroves
    LesliGroves Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Working MOM's!,
    I'm Lesli. I'm 38 years old, married, and have 5 kids (including 7 month old twins). Yes, if I thought I was stressed out and going crazy last year, this year has completely doubled that. I spent the 1st 10 years of my marriage over weight. After baby #2, I dropped 80lbs, then baby 3, 4 and 5 came and now I am close to my high weight again.

    I just signed up with a local gym and have a trainer and a meal plan to follow. I'm down 12 lbs in 3 weeks and adjusting well to my new way of life. You know, my house wasn't clean (being a working mom) when I wasn't eating right and working out and it isn't clean now, so I think I'll be skinny and have a messy house instead of fat and a messy house. :o)

    I had to have the accountability of a trainer, someone to report to that I'm not related to and someone that isn't a good friend afraid of hurting my feelings when I need to be told to push myself harder and eat better.

    Here are my goals:
    November 2nd - 233
    Current Weight: 221
    December 29th - 209
    January 29th - 196 (Never in the 200s again Goal)
    February 28th- 185 (Looking Good Goal)
    March 29th - 173 (Glorius Size 12 Goal)
    April 29th - 161 (Great Butt Goal)
    June 1st - 149 (Ultimate I'm Smokin' Hot Goal)

    That's where I am! I'm excited to have others who truly understand the stress and life of a working mom and still has to meet the needs of her husband (wow, that's a whole other topic, isn't it?)!

    Good Luck everyone!
  • ticky
    ticky Posts: 38 Member
    Hey! My name is Christina. I'm 29 years old, and I have a 20 month old daughter. I've been struggling since she was born to get the weight off. However, it's nobody's fault but mine. I'm tired of making excuses for myself, and I need to learn how to handle set-backs, gains, and struggles. Like many of you, I sit at a desk all day.

    Good luck to everyone! Let's keep in touch and motivate eachother.
  • LivDiz
    LivDiz Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all!!
    Name is Laura, 34, mother of two: 13year and 5mo. I am back to my pre-baby weight but still trying to lose the original 25 lbs before pregnancy. I work sitting at a desk most of the day but try to fit in mini work outs to avoid really packing "it" on.

    Feel free to friend me - looking forward to supporting each other!!
  • EconMama
    EconMama Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Mamas!

    I'm Jess, 36, mom of two (5.5 y.o. and 23 mos) and a full time PhD student in my final year (which means I'm on the academic job market and trying to finish my dissertation). The last few months have been very stressful-- work has been maxed out (see above), my son started K (wonderful, but a big transition) and there's been a family illness (and attendant drama due to…a lot of stuff that's a long story). I normally work out about 5 days a week, but over the past couple of months it's gone down to 2x per week or so. On top of that, I've been glued to my desk (literally weeks of those kinds of days where you barely get up to pee) and more sedentary than usual. End result is that I gained about 7 lbs and, more importantly, lost a lot of fitness and muscle tone. Time to get back on top of things! I want to arrive at New Years already on track, not further off the rails!

    Here are my stats: I'm 5'7" and weigh 145 lb. I'd prefer to weigh 135-137. More importantly, I'd like to get back to a 5 day a week work out schedule-- for me, exercise is crucial to feeling sane! Food-wise, I already eat pretty healthy and drink a lot of water, but the holidays are, of course, a minefield. I want to enjoy some holiday treats without sliding into the holiday mentality of every day being a special occasion. My family loves to bake around the holidays, but it's tough having so many sweets around…you end up eating it just because it's there. Hopefully we can strategize and support each other in managing through the holidays!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello to all the mommas!

    I am Stephanie. I have three boys (11, 8, 4) and work full time as a registered nurse. Now it's all good and dandy that I am on my feet 12-13 hours a shift three days a week. But people bring us goodies. And a great way to stay awake while working night shift...EATING! I originally lost 65 pounds while finishing up nursing school and getting started as a nurse but switching to night shift has really really taken a toll on me. My eating is off therefore my metabolism is off, working out is off, sleeping is off. Pretty much everything is OFF!

    But those are excuses and I am here to get back at it! I want to get down to 175-180 (CW 196.6). I went vegan as of about 10 days ago and have lost about 15 pounds. So here we go. I know I need change and I am committed to it. Never hurts to have a few friends on your side...

  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi, I am Kathi. I am 43, I am a single, working mom of two boys ages 12 and 10 (tomorrow!!).

    I started officially working out on 8/14/12. I have lost 46+ lbs so far. My total goal is 85lbs.

    SW: 220
    CW: 173.6
    GW: 135

    I am 5'5".

    I work for a vacuum cleaner company in Customer Service. I finally decided to do something about my weight after about 13 years of being heavy. Got tired of it and now I am slightly addicted to working out and MFP. I log every single thing that I eat. No matter how small, it gets counted. I have dropped from a Plus size 18 to a regular size 12. I am happier than ever. In the midst of this working out and watching my calories and finally getting happy with myself...I met a great man. So, this is all still new to me, the weight loss, shopping for new clothes, juggling kids, work, working out and a new man!

    Life is crazy, but finally in a good way.