Nike Fuel Band

Faith175 Posts: 7 Member
I'm thinking of purchasing the Nike Fuel Band to track calories burned and motivate myself to reach my goals everyday. Does anyone own one and do you like it?




  • jaimesoo
    jaimesoo Posts: 274 Member
    CRAZY! about the EXACT time you posted this i was looking them myself. There are a bunch of threads on here about what people think about them if you search NIKE FUEL. Seems like most prefer the FitBit over the FUEL. I am torn too. I tend to be a gadget girl that loves to buy them and then they either break or i never use them like i want. I would love something to help me track and stay active but i want it to be accurate too and not count my bouncing in the car for 2 hours as mild activity as i have had happen with other devices and makes me sceptical of other.... would be interesting to hear more thoughts.