Guess I am single again.................



  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Oh, no!! I am sorry!
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    I am sorry! Hugs.

    I wished my last bf broke up via text than on FB by going from Relationship to Single..yeah, that sucked major!
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Maybe I'm the odd one here but the last two times someone broke up with me one did it via text and the other asked me to come to her place so we could talk. She lived 35 minutes away. Not only did I have to wonder what was so important for the entire 35 minute drive, I wasted 70 minutes driving round trip and 20 minutes talking about how messed up she was and how it's not me it's her blah blah blah. When I got dumped via text I replied with "are you sure?" went to the gym and worked out until I was sore and got rid of some of the disappointment. I think I'd rather be broken up with via text.

    I agree 100% with you. I'd rather be broken up via text than in person or on the phone. A text message is quick, clean, and gets the message across. Much better than a slow, drawn out, awkward conversation in person.

    I'd liken it to taking a band-aid off. Would you rather rip it off quickly or slowly?

    No No... I wholeheartedly believe that awkward feeling is meant to be there... you are meant to "feel" it...because if you actually have a "feeling" when you are either doing the breaking up or getting dumped, you can see how it affects the other person....AND how it affects you (in the case you are doing the dumping)

    People who break up and don't have those core "feelings" and experience first hand, the reactions....are in the "I don't like it....I'll just get a new one" aka "Throw Away" generation..... that is a topic I don't care to get fired up about right now.

    Those awkward, uncomfortable, sad, powerful, powerless feelings are all what builds character.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Sorry, Moe. That's really rough how he was acting like you had a future together, then hit you with this out of the blue. I, personally, think the text was very cowardly and he owed you more after the time you had been together.

    I can understand the timing since 3 months is a typical time frame when you get past the initial rush of the new relationship and start to see the reality a bit more clearly. It's unfortunate thought that there was no indication from him that this was coming, although, maybe looking back now, you might see some signs that you hadn't noticed? Maybe him being a jerk about it and dumping you so abruptly will be a good thing in the long run for you to get over him and move on without looking back.
    Maybe I'm the odd one here but the last two times someone broke up with me one did it via text and the other asked me to come to her place so we could talk. She lived 35 minutes away. Not only did I have to wonder what was so important for the entire 35 minute drive, I wasted 70 minutes driving round trip and 20 minutes talking about how messed up she was and how it's not me it's her blah blah blah. When I got dumped via text I replied with "are you sure?" went to the gym and worked out until I was sore and got rid of some of the disappointment. I think I'd rather be broken up with via text.

    I personally would rather be broken up with a phone call where he tells me reasons why... but I remember when i was thinking of how to tell a guy I was no longer interested...I wanted to invite him to lunch and explain it... the OVERWHELMING response in this group was not to waste his time taking him out but to just shoot him a "it won't work" text.
    I'm also in the camp of thinking a phone call is the way to go. I don't understand how we have come to a point where we don't think of cell phones as being a means to talk to people by calling them on the phone first and texting has become the primary mode of communication with them. It's so cold.

    I would rather have a phone call than someone set up a date in public for the breakup (eg. inviting him out to lunch) or having me drive a long way in a LDR - the person breaking up should be the one doing the long distance driving in that case. That's pretty heartless.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Aw Moe. That F'ing sucks! I am sorry. :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad:
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    I'm sorry -- really weird that he was doing future talk and then this out of the blue. Relationships can be so precarious.

    I think he owed you a phone call. Breaking up via text is so lame after 3 months together. I know texting is all the rage these days, but I really hate it.
  • shamrck44
    I am sorry! Hugs.

    I wished my last bf broke up via text than on FB by going from Relationship to Single..yeah, that sucked major!

    Now that is just cold!

    Sorry OP, about the text breakup, seems more common these days. I had another friend have the same thing after 5 months.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    the (now) ex had also been holding my table and chairs for me as he told me his basement had plenty of room and was he would be happy to store it for me. Then, when he texted the breakup, I asked about the table & chairs....he said he would drop it off this weekend-I thought maybe then I would get a chance to speak to him face to face. DID NOT HAPPEN---he dropped the furniture off to day---left it in front of my house---whichis on MAIN ST, and right next to a small, very busy grocery store--could easily have been ripped off.....grateful that it was there. He clearly does not want to see me face to face, and I really just don't get it, but I need to just move on, and so that is what my friends are having me do, putting me back on dating sites and telling me I am going with them to see a band on Sat. night. My one friend says that the dating site can serve as more of a distraction now than anything else, and if I see/talk to someone I want to meet...YAY! If not, it will pass the time....
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    the (now) ex had also been holding my table and chairs for me as he told me his basement had plenty of room and was he would be happy to store it for me. Then, when he texted the breakup, I asked about the table & chairs....he said he would drop it off this weekend-I thought maybe then I would get a chance to speak to him face to face. DID NOT HAPPEN---he dropped the furniture off to day---left it in front of my house---whichis on MAIN ST, and right next to a small, very busy grocery store--could easily have been ripped off.....grateful that it was there. He clearly does not want to see me face to face, and I really just don't get it, but I need to just move on, and so that is what my friends are having me do, putting me back on dating sites and telling me I am going with them to see a band on Sat. night. My one friend says that the dating site can serve as more of a distraction now than anything else, and if I see/talk to someone I want to meet...YAY! If not, it will pass the time....

    Moe, It sounds like you have some amazing friends! Definitely let them support and distract you. This guy is obviously not worth any more of your time to even think about!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    So sorry! :(

    Text?!? Wtf!!!
  • marvelprime
    marvelprime Posts: 91 Member
    Maybe I'm the odd one here but the last two times someone broke up with me one did it via text and the other asked me to come to her place so we could talk. She lived 35 minutes away. Not only did I have to wonder what was so important for the entire 35 minute drive, I wasted 70 minutes driving round trip and 20 minutes talking about how messed up she was and how it's not me it's her blah blah blah. When I got dumped via text I replied with "are you sure?" went to the gym and worked out until I was sore and got rid of some of the disappointment. I think I'd rather be broken up with via text.

    With her making you drive out all the way, and not choosing a "middle ground" was a bit harsh on her part. She should have just called or picked a "middle ground".

    Inevitably, I've come to a conclusion that I will let someone who I'm dating that I find it more respectable to have anything important communicated to me either in person or over the phone.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    the (now) ex had also been holding my table and chairs for me as he told me his basement had plenty of room and was he would be happy to store it for me. Then, when he texted the breakup, I asked about the table & chairs....he said he would drop it off this weekend-I thought maybe then I would get a chance to speak to him face to face. DID NOT HAPPEN---he dropped the furniture off to day---left it in front of my house---whichis on MAIN ST, and right next to a small, very busy grocery store--could easily have been ripped off.....grateful that it was there. He clearly does not want to see me face to face, and I really just don't get it, but I need to just move on, and so that is what my friends are having me do, putting me back on dating sites and telling me I am going with them to see a band on Sat. night. My one friend says that the dating site can serve as more of a distraction now than anything else, and if I see/talk to someone I want to meet...YAY! If not, it will pass the time....

    This makes me wonder wtf happened so quickly that he did such a 180.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    the (now) ex had also been holding my table and chairs for me as he told me his basement had plenty of room and was he would be happy to store it for me. Then, when he texted the breakup, I asked about the table & chairs....he said he would drop it off this weekend-I thought maybe then I would get a chance to speak to him face to face. DID NOT HAPPEN---he dropped the furniture off to day---left it in front of my house---whichis on MAIN ST, and right next to a small, very busy grocery store--could easily have been ripped off.....grateful that it was there. He clearly does not want to see me face to face, and I really just don't get it, but I need to just move on, and so that is what my friends are having me do, putting me back on dating sites and telling me I am going with them to see a band on Sat. night. My one friend says that the dating site can serve as more of a distraction now than anything else, and if I see/talk to someone I want to meet...YAY! If not, it will pass the time....

    This makes me wonder wtf happened so quickly that he did such a 180.

    I don't want to go freaking you out but you obviously didn't know this guy as well as you though you did. The easy answer is that he is just a coward. The scary answer is that he did something that he is afraid to tell you about. I'd consider getting tested if I were you.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Sorry to hear this, I know how you feel.

    My ex split up with me via text 2 days after she and her eldest daughter spent Christmas with me at my parents, and 7 months into the relationship. We had also talked about the long term, and things had seemed ok but obviously not. Had one phone conversation with her about it a few days later and a number of texts over the months when things got awkward and finally got a face to face talk about things in September, but that was more me telling her my feelings with a little explanation from her. The reasons have changed a number of times so not really sure what was exactly the cause, but I do know I would have preferred her to tell me to my face, but she said she knew I would be emotional and couldn't cope with that.

    The difference for me is we have to see each other each week due to our social/sporting activities so the face to face avoidance wasnt possible fully from either side, does seem odd to me that he is avoiding this, even if didn't want to discuss it, you'd think he could at least be civil enough to drop of your things in person. At a guess i'd say there is more to it, or he is ashamed in some way.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    I'm sorry :(

    Glad you have good supportive friends!
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    Very sorry to hear. Hang in there!

    What a coward!
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    For him to break up via text, shows he is an *kitten*.