pain when working out

abitzan Posts: 85 Member
I have recently began working out again because I didn't have clearance for a little while. Keep in mind i have gone from 12 minute miles on average to 20. So a large slow down. When i am on the treadmill though i have been getting severe back pain, pelvic pain, and tightness around my belly button.

Anyone else experiance this and are there excersizes to help?


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Sometimes the baby (and uterus) just put pressure on these places, and while walking sometimes helps, it sometimes hurts. If that's what's causing you pain, there's not a whole lot you could do except maybe get adjusted by a chiropractor (I hear it helps but have never done it). Otherwise, I commend you for your effort in still walking on the treadmill during your third trimester, but perhaps you need to rest up a bit. I would say slow down, but it sounds like you're going pretty slowly already!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Yep, I'm one of those that always suggests chiropractic adjustments!

    The pain is all very likely related based on the ligaments pulling/strectching and your body trying to compensate for the changes in in your growing belly. Getting adjusted should help - but it may just be "pregnancy pains" too. If the pelvic pain is really bad - I'm look into SPD (Symphsis Pubic Dysfunction). If you think you may have it I'd DEFINTELY suggest getting to a Chiro as soon as possible! This is my second pregnancy with SPD and it isn't fun, but regular adjustments make life (and delivery) much less painful.

    One of the stretches I do to relieve some of the pain is getting on the floor on all fours, then stretching my back up (like a cat), hold that for a few seconds, and then stretching it the other way (pushing your belly towards the floor), and holding that for a few seconds. It seems to help. Maybe some prenatal yoga would work too?

    Sorry you are in pain. Good luck!