Passion and purpose



  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    I consider myself lucky with my career. I get to help people who are diagnosed with cancer on a daily basis, whether it be to treat them to cure their cancer or to just help take away their pain to live a fuller life with the time they have left. I am never bored, and always inspired. And I get paid! Its great!
    I'm passionate about my friends and keeping my body healthier..although that isn't always easy.
    And I have hobbies that make me happy..surprisingly knitting is a passion of mine.

    Things that make me feel like I'm missing out right now are..not having children..I really do want to be a mother.
    Also I love animals especially dogs...but just not in the right space to be a pet owner yet. I want to travel as well. These are the things that just have me wanting for more in life.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I have no that bad? I just live my life day in day out, punch the clock, come home, work out, sleep. Repeat the next day.

    No hun your a little younger than most of us. You have plenty of time to find your passion and purpose.

    Good to hear!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I love, love, LOVE my job! I've always been ambitious - had my own business in my 20s/30s, went back to school late 30s. Completely changed my career in my 40s! I dont know what I'd do if I didnt feel challenged and have something to aim for.

    So yeah, work is one of my passions.

    As for purpose, I struggle with that one on a bigger scale.. I tried volunteering for an asthma campaign but it didnt work out. I've always wanted to volunteer abroad, but never found the right setting that could use my skills. If I was a teacher, I'd definitely go teach in a 3rd world country for a bit. I like helping people, but I dont think I do enough.......I think I'll be more active in that department when I retire.

    But yeah, I think purpose is about helping people in any small way. I do feel good when that kind of opportunity comes along, even if its giving advice on here that someone really appreciates! :blushing:

    I believe in paying it back......... :flowerforyou:
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    My passions in kids, my job, other kids and church.

    My kids will always be my passion, but I think that could be said of any parent. Every decision I make is with them at the forefront.

    The career I have may not be the job I dreamed of growing up, but it is close. I knew when I was 12 that I wanted to work for the army. When I hurt my knees and had to get out, I became a federal civilian and now get to serve those that I am so proud of. Sure it's not the same, but I really wouldn't want to do anything else.

    Other kids....I love working/playing with other kids. Whether it's at church, school or my kids' baseball games, I love volunteering with the kids. Their hearts are so big and there is so much you can learn from a child.

    Church.....Volunteering with church, singing with the choir, even listening to the sermon. It's just something that I am passionate about, as well as gives me a purpose.
  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    My passion is children and teaching. I stay at home with my kids and homeschool them. There is nothing I would rather do. Now that my husband has decided to leave us I am trying to find children to care for in my home so I can continue to stay home with my kids and teach them. I feel called by God to do so, however it sure is getting frustrating waiting to find some children to care for. I did start watching one little girl in my home this week two hours a day. It's a start! :)
  • SouthernSweetie74
    Hello. My name is Darla. I'm addicted to passion and purpose.

    Ever heard the saying, "If you want something done, just ask a busy person"?

    Well, that's me.

    I love life and love living it to the fullest.

    I LOVE my calling. I am an 8th grade literacy (English, Language Arts... call it what you like) teacher. And I LOVE MY JOB. I don't feel like it's a "job." I mean, I've actually thought, "Wow. I get paid for doing this." Yeah... I'm a total nerd. I love learning, and I love to share my knowledge and expertise and skills with others. I am completely passionate about teaching my kids to read, write, and think, to become better communicators and problem solvers. I get up early so I can get to work early. I spend my time with my students when they are in my classroom. I work through my lunch, eating a bite here and there. I stay after school. I sometimes don't get home until 7:00 p.m. (mainly because I commute). I am definitely doing what I am supposed to be doing. I cannot imagine myself doing anything else and being happy!

    One reason I go to work early and stay late, though, is because I don't bring work home. Once I get home, my time is devoted to my own children. They are my #1 passion. I love all three of them with my whole being, and as much as I love teaching, if it interfered with my children, I would totally give it up. I enjoy my kids. We go places together; we laugh together; we talk to one another; we play games with each other; we sit and cuddle on the couch and watch movies with each other. My kids tell me all kinds of things, like when they had their first kiss, etc. We are close.

    I'm one of those people, though, that always needs a project. My projects can be people or grad school or a second job or just helping others. I seemingly go from one "project" to another. One year, my niece moved in with me. I love her like a daughter and did my best to help her. When she moved back home to be with her mother, I started grad school. Then, I got a boyfriend. And he became my "project." This past summer, I took in 3 kids to stay with me for a while. I took over helping my mother sell her house and move. I have taken in several kids at various times...

    I always have something going...

    That was one reason I had decided to get on MFP and change my lifestyle. I am always taking care of others. I thought it was time to take care of me, too.

    But I've realized something about myself... if I'm not busy, I'm not happy. Yes, I can occasionally sit and watch a movie and relax with the kids. But, honestly, I could never be Betty Crocker, Suzie Q happy homemaker. Well, if I did stay home, I wouldn't be home. I'd be that volunteer at the hospital and nursing home, the homeroom mom for all three of my children, the craft lady, etc.

    ETA: I take that back. I could be a "house wife" but I'd be the busy kind. I'd play around in the kitchen creating new recipes, have supper cooked for my family every night... etc... lol... I love to cook and play hostess. I think, for me, it's just about doing stuff and helping others... that's part of my passion and purpose...

    Okay, so I wrote a novel.. time for bed... but yeah, to answer your question, I believe in living life passionately and on purpose!!!!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    That's a really good question. When things are going well (ie. I have good work of the singing variety), without a doubt that provides both passion and purpose in my life. The passion doesn't diminish in the slow periods (most of this year, for reasons frustratingly beyond my control), but the purpose is inclined to diminish steeply, which doesn't do my voice, or my mood, any good. The performer/audience relationship is a symbiotic one - I'm reliant on their approval and appreciation as much as they are reliant on me to bring them pleasure and catharsis, which is really what my job's about - the 'point' of me, and my colleagues, is to give pleasure and emotional release to our listeners. Endless hours of practice, without an endpoint, and the resultant feedback, in sight, is often difficult to maintain a commitment to, yet becomes even more important in 'down' times, to keep the voice in shape - a muscle and ligament structure like any other!

    Passion, I'm really not short of - for my work, for the people I love, for the pursuit of knowledge, for a number of pass-times and causes. I'd love to experience passion for another person in a reciprocal romantic sense (not just physical, though that would be nice :blushing: , but the whole glorious package of emotion and connection too!), but that hasn't happened yet for me - maybe my passion/commitment/intensity scares people (men) away... The passionate love of a mother for a child is also something I want to experience. The problem really arises when the things I'm passionate about are at a low ebb, and I struggle to maintain my purpose. In a way, MFP has been good for that: life being as it is at the moment, at least here I have a measured progress, and can feel I'm moving forward with something that may be beneficial to my career/life, even if neither of those things seems to be moving forward very much in any other concrete ways.

    Edited to add: I agree with SouthernSweetie - I infinitely prefer being frantically busy to being bored, with little of consequence to do. I currently have three jobs, including singing, two of which are not challenging at all, and I'm bored out of my mind a lot of the time - hence why I spend so much time in these forums writing loooooooong posts!
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I used to have a lot of both, and then life kicked my *kitten* and now I just go a day at a time.