Started the plan on Monday

Hi Everyone,

I started the plan on Monday and weighed myself today(Wednesday) with a 3.5lbs loss of water weight. I was shocked because yesterday was a high carb day and I went a little overboard. I made fudge and had several bites. I was ready to give up because I thought gosh this isn't working for me. I am already over eating on day two, but then some how I loss weight. I have taken several weeks off from lifting weights, so I decided I would start back today. Today, I have lifted weights for 30 mins(Charlene Extreme) and doing the lowcarb day. I am now interested in seeing if this works.

Hope everyone is doing well.



  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Welcome to the group!! Congratz on the 3.5 lbs!! My favorite thing about CTL is that it feels like it is a lifestyle change for me. I've decided that when ever it is possible I will eat according to plan. That way, when a party or dinner out with my hubby comes up I can do so with little to no guilt. ;-) Now that I've gotten to having exercise being a part of my routine, I'm even willing to do an extra workout to "earn" a sweet treat if I really feel I need one.

    Feel free to ask specific questions when you have them! There are lots of us here with great stories and insight.
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Brandy, I started again this Monday too. I also lost a good amount of water weight since going overboard on Thanksgiving day plus the rest of the weekend. I am doing P90X workouts. If you want to add me as a friend feel free to. I love the CTL program....I agree with babeinthemoon it really feels like a lifestyle rather then a diet. Best wishes!
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome & Congrats on the loss! Feel free to add me too. I also started on Monday w/ a 2.4lb loss thus far.

    it works!