exercise is my stumbling block...

I have fibromyalgia, and we are in crunch mode at the office and I am coming home hurting and exhausted. I want nothing more than to eat dinner and crawl into bed with a book. No time to log MFP yesterday so today I tried to fill in what I could remember . I know I need to be more active but with the fibro pain and lack of time, and energy - it is really tough right now.

The MFP record shows that I am eating way too much sugar. Some mornings I go to starbuck's for my caffeine fix - and end up buying a marshmallow dream bar (200 calories - not terrible but still full of sugar and not going to get me where I need to go). My previous experience with diets has shown that the only thing that works for me is a diet high in vegetables and high quality protein - and minimizing white colored foods (milk, flour, sugar, pasta, potatoes, rice) and sugary fruits. I know what I need to do, So I am declaring today some easily achievable goals,

1. No starbuck's tomorrow
2. Bring out the yoga mat tonight. (I may not actually do yoga - but I am more likely to do it if the mat is out)
3. Make some Mulligatawny soup tonight so that I have a healthy, low fat, low sugar lunch available for tomorrow.
4. Not so easily achievable - win that $500 million Powerball tonight!


  • kabarnes45
    kabarnes45 Posts: 89 Member
    I am so sorry that you have to deal with Fibromyalgia but the smaller goals sound like a great idea. I can completely understand about not having enough time and energy due to work as I run into the same issue myself. Have you considered a "wake-up workout"? I know-"ugh"- but even a few minutes of stretching and light exercise in the morning before work can make a big difference in my mood and energy level all day. Maybe one of those AM Yoga DVDs or just stretch and do some squats or jog in place while getting ready? I'll bet you a lotto ticket that it will have you singing along with the radio on your way to work and getting tons done at work. Good luck on your goals today! Made me want to set my own mini goals- no York Peppermint Patties today and walk on my lunch break. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • KidForever
    Thanks for the encouragement. (For me exercise needs to have a purpose because I really hate it). Up until this past fall (when work became hectic) I rode a bike to work every day (1 hour round trip). Things should calm down next week and it is supposed to warm up a bit. So my goal is to ride to work 1 day next week. Not sure it will happen but that is my goal. And I did make soup last night and I did bring out the yoga mat! I think I will be able to avoid starbucks today too!
  • sofitladies
    I like your declaration.

    Have you considered water aerobics? The pool should not be too warm because that we lead to exhaustion and you should take it easy your first few times, doing a little less of each exercises than everyone else until you see how you feel the next day. The exercises will help you feel better and the water should help with the fibromyalgia and make it easier to move.

    I hope that helps