Daytime Wedding?

Are any of you planning a daytime wedding?

Because I loved the venue so much and I wanted it Columbus Day weekend, I am getting married on a Sunday morning. Not ideal, but for some reason, I love the idea of starting the day off with a wedding. Plus, I am IN LOVE with a brunch wedding reception, complete with an omelette station. And brunch-like adult beverages will be served too. I'm not that cruel. :bigsmile:

I guess my question is do you think a lot of people will RSVP no due to church-related activities that happen for most protestant religions on Sunday?


  • Amara15
    Amara15 Posts: 211 Member
    Anymore alot of churches offer services on Saturday nights, so hopefully alot of people that dont want to miss church can go on Saturday night and attend your wedding on sunday! A brunch reception sure sounds yummy!
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    No matter when your wedding is, not everyone is going to make it. Have it at a time when YOU want it, sounds like a lovely idea! The only part of your plan I wouldn't like is getting up SOOOOO early to get ready! Not like I will be sleeping much the night before anyways though ;)
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Weirdly enough, I will probably be up super early that morning with little sleep. When I am excited about something I hardly sleep. Plus I'm a morning person and will most likely crash in the evening.

  • mrsmiam
    mrsmiam Posts: 6 Member
    Our friends got married at 9AM last October. I was a bridesmaid, and had to get up soooooo early to get my hair done and everything.

    So for us, we decided to have a wedding at 1PM.