Are you cheating on Sunday or every three days?

I was thinking every three days would keep me on track.


  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I'm not cheating at all. I'm having a "Funday" every Sunday. This is built into my average calorie goal for the week... so I must eat as close to my calories as possible to reach my goals every week.

    So, it is so cool to think that I "have to" eat 2700 calories every Sunday. Boy does that make it fun! LOL!!!!

    Now, during the week, if I'm having a "weak moment" I'll eat something with sugar like a cupcake or truffle if:
    -I've had an especially good workout that day,
    -and, if I've eaten really really well for the day,
    -and, if I have enough calories & "macro room" to allow the treat.
    If I follow all of the above, then I don't call it "cheating," because following CTL is a lifestyle change for me... not a diet. If I can't live my life and have a little fun from day to day, then the dietary changes are not worth making.

    Just my 2cents. Take them or leave them. I don't care! :drinker: