why does there have to be soooo many symptoms?!

landb925 Posts: 7 Member
I found a way to deal with the infertility, I have found ways to manage the pain from the cysts, I am coming to terms and conquering the weight issue, I have found a great acne treatment, I am dealing with having to wax my eyebrows and mustache (ugh hate that word)....but now handfuls and I mean fistfuls of my hair is falling out. When is enough enough! Sorry just feeling a little boo hoo to me today. I pray every day I did not pass this on to my daughter. Although chances of that are slim....


  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    The hair loss could also be because you've lost weight, unrelated to the PCOS. I have hair loss from both that and from the PCOS. Don't I feel pretty! If my part has to go any further to the side to cover my lack of bangs, I'm going to be sporting a bald man's combover. And take heart, non-PCOS women often have to deal with the brows and upper lip thing too.

    But you are right, there are so many awful potential symptoms of this thing, it can be overwhelming sometimes. The good thing is that weight loss can help with some of them, and there are drugs for others. Any a good waxer or laser tech is always a helpful... At least it's not fatal, right?
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    The hair loss could also be because you've lost weight, unrelated to the PCOS. I have hair loss from both that and from the PCOS. Don't I feel pretty! If my part has to go any further to the side to cover my lack of bangs, I'm going to be sporting a bald man's combover. And take heart, non-PCOS women often have to deal with the brows and upper lip thing too.

    But you are right, there are so many awful potential symptoms of this thing, it can be overwhelming sometimes. The good thing is that weight loss can help with some of them, and there are drugs for others. Any a good waxer or laser tech is always a helpful... At least it's not fatal, right?

    To the OP I understand and agree with you, it does not seem fair, but life never promised it would be fair.

    With the PCOS I do not have the extra hair issue, in fact I can go 3 months and not have to shave my legs, and never had the facial hair. I have the thinning hair. I have very long 22 inches hair maybe longer, but it has thinned at the front where bangs are and left side of hair line by my ears. I refuse to cut my hair since I have never had short hair. I know coloring it platinum blonde since I was 16 yrs old does not help the issue so I let my roots go for months without coloring my hair.

    PCOS was called a hormone imbalance about 28 yrs ago when I was told by Doctors this was the reason I had problems conceiving and when I did get Pregnant I miscarried many times even in my 7th month I lost twins. Usually I would have a cycle even during pregnancy and would not know I was PG until the 3rd month, since all my pregnancies were high risk, I had many miscarriages in the 3rd month. When I lost my Twins at the beginning of 7th month. Every month if I did not have a shot of progesterone I would miscarry. I did not have a shot of progesterone the month when I went into labor with the 7th month pregnancy. I had a quack of a Dr. who had told me there were 2 heart beats and suspected twins and set me up for a ultra scan the next day. The evening before this I went into hard labor. When I got to the hospital they did a scan and told me my twins had died in the 5th month! I did not believe they were dead and told the nurse I could feel them kicking, they were alive! I demanded the Nurse I wanted to speak to my Dr. The Nurse told me the Dr. was on the golf course and she already paged him she was not going to disturb him again. The next day I had surgery to remove the Twins. I told the Dr. I blamed him for this, and he said he did not care, I had to blame someone! He said I had a hormone imbalance now I know it is called PCOS.

    I tried to sue the Dr. but he sealed the Hospital records. No Dr. could open them for 7 yrs. Finally I had a OB succeed in opening the records when I got PG again and when I asked him what happened to my Babies? The Chinese Dr. with tears in his eyes said, it does not matter now, I will just say you had a bad Dr. at that time and now you have a good Dr.

    I still never found out what happened and I did succeed in finally after more than 5 miscarriages, including what Doctors call missed abortions where the fetus dies in the womb and the mother still carries the baby, I succeeded in giving birth to 3 children and I did give birth to identical twin sons and they were born premature in the 7th month. I was told the Twins would be blue babies that there lungs were not developed yet. I labored with back labor for 6 days and nights as the Hospital tried to stop the labor with IV drugs. I finally gave birth on the 7th evening to healthy Twins that weighed 4 lbs 2 oz and 4 lbs 6 oz. My identical Twins came out screaming at the top of their lungs and were not blue babies! Praise God!

    I mention all of this for women who have PCOS and Doctors may be calling it a hormone imbalance like mine did, be prepared for miscarriages or the death of a baby in the womb that you will carry until you miscarry or it is discovered. Yes I know our cycles do not come regularly it is hard to know when we are PG. when I was in my child bearing years I could go as much as 4 months without a cycle. I suspect because of PCOS I went into menopause early at the age of 40. I just stopped having cycles and never experienced menopause symptoms which I am grateful for,. All my Pregnancies were high risk and confined to bed rest feet up the entire time. I had morning sickness so bad it was 24 hrs a day during the entire time. I vomited so hard it broke the blood vessels in my face. I am not saying every PCOS hormone imbalanced patient will suffer like this, but I did.

    I was determined to have Children now my health suffers greatly for that choice. I say this even though I love my Children with all my heart. PCOS suffers everything is harder for us, including weight loss. I cannot take the meds for PCOS so I have learned to tolerate the symptoms. PCOS, Fibro, Chronic Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, R.Arthritis in my spine,I battle heart and kidney issues, just a few of many health crisis that stand in the way for me for weight loss. I am winning the battle because I refuse to give up! If only I had done this years ago when I first started realizing I was gaining weight instead of giving up, maybe there would have been hope for my health to recover. I do not know if anyone else was thrown into Menopause early but I would be interested in hearing if you also were. Forgive me if this was a boring read, I wrote this because OP set off memories I seldom think of and never dealt with emotionally.
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    I want to add quickly this is my experience with PCOS with hormone imbalance there are Women who do not suffer like I have suffered with it. I believe in faith my MFP Friends will not suffer the way I have with it. I pray my MFP Friends who are trying to get Pregnant will have a easy pregnancy. I know some Women do not have Problems in pregnancy. I just happened to be one that did. I want to give you hope and not discourage you.
  • landb925
    landb925 Posts: 7 Member
    You did not discourage me. Luckily, and thank god, I was able to have a healthy pregnancy with no hormone issues and delivered a healthy baby. It is the before and after I struggle with. When reading your story and the experiences of others I am finding comfort in knowing I am not alone. There are days where it just hits me so hard. I need to learn to be more comfortable with who I am today and not who I want to be in one year, five years etc.