Post your calories here!!!



  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 523 Member
    15/12 - 289
    16/12 - 647
  • gardsmeister
    gardsmeister Posts: 73 Member
    thanks sam, carly, brilliant efforts both!!!
    come on my bunnies, where are ya?!! i wanna watch sports personality of the year, help me out here!!!
    down to 7th now by the way, but that doesn't include the last 3 days as there's still a couple of reports i'm waiting on x
  • gardsmeister
    gardsmeister Posts: 73 Member

    prior to any of the amercans reporting their burns for today.........

    WE'RE WINNING!!!!!

    Come on my lovely bunnies, try & put an extra bit in next week & let's do this thing!!!!

    GO BUNNIES!!!!
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    16/12 cals burned 887
    We're winning yippee fantastic bunnies
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Sorry there's been nothing from me for the last couple of days, but I've been in full on study mode all weekend.

    Good job the rest of the bunnies are racking those excellent burns :)
  • 1055 tday Huns xxx
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    17/12 cals burned 674
  • gardsmeister
    gardsmeister Posts: 73 Member
    any more for any more??? carly/keira, i've picked yours up from the timeline :)

    come on ladies, WE'RE WINNING!!!!!

    i'm out on my works xmas piss up on friday, & i'd love to get this thing done by then!!!

    GO BUNNIES!!!!
  • 1183 tday hunny bunnies xx
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    18/12 cals burned 855!
    Come on bunnies not far now ????
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    18/12: 210 cals burned

    It's not much but it's better than nothing!
  • 17.12: 477

    18.12: 260

    Yay, we are winning!!! Go us!!!
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    19/12 cals burned 1020!!!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    19th Dec: 963 cals

    Nearly there!! Go hunny bunnies :)
  • 19/12= 853

  • 19.12: 736!
  • gardsmeister
    gardsmeister Posts: 73 Member
    what can i say bunnies, but thankyou, a truly amazing effort today!!

    just when i needed it too as i couldn't exercise today thanks to a rather aggressive stomach bug!! touch wood, it's been nearly 5 hours now so i should be back on it tomorrow morning with the dawn chorus..........:0

    sara, i only had you down for 207 yesterday, although you've put 210 down on here, so i've lumped 3 on to today's effort!

    vicky i've put yours for monday on to today's as i'd had you down for a nil return.

    we've only 9,093 miles to go to the finish line, so with a decent effort tomorrow, double miles on friday should see us over the finish line with plenty to spare!! i'm proud of all of you my little fluffy tailed beauties!!

  • gardsmeister
    gardsmeister Posts: 73 Member
    What no burns today hunny bunnys????

    And we're so close to the finishing line as well!! Now i know Marie's out on the piss tonight, but where are the rest of my fluffy tailed marvels??

    I live in hope :) x
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    20th Dec: 451 calories from me today
  • twinkletoes66
    twinkletoes66 Posts: 89 Member
    20/12 cals burned 849