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When Is My Mind Normal?: Chapter 8

Posts: 170 Member

15 And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

16 Now may the Lord of peace Himself grant you His peace (the peace of His kingdom) at all times and in all ways [under all circumstances and conditions, whatever comes]. The Lord [be] with you all.

165 Great peace have they who love Your law; nothing shall offend them or make them stumble.

17 And the effect of righteousness will be peace [internal and external], and the result of righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever.

How delightful to study His Word with you, to learn of Him. I am learning so much. What I really think, and what I really feel. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this journey with me.
When is my mind normal? For me, my "normal" mind operates in judgmental, critical, self righteousness ways. Usually, from the perspective of insecurity and lack. It embraces the world's way of doing and thinking. My "normal" mind always wants my own way. It feels the need to control and convince. It constantly sees the negative, magnifying the loss and wounds I have been dealt. In fact it shows it in 3D and offers free popcorn and pop. There is very little peace and very much agitation, worry, anxiety, confusion, and fear. I don't want a "normal" mind. I want the "mind of Christ."
The mind of Christ......that is what He thinks, and feels. God wants us to know what He thinks and what He feels. He want us to have His understanding. WOW! DOUBLE WOW! TRIPLE WOW! That is why Jesus says,

13 But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].
14 He will honor and glorify Me, because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.
15 Everything that the Father has is Mine. That is what I meant when I said that He [the Spirit] will take the things that are Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.
My Loves, did you catch that? The Holy Spirit takes the things that the Father has, that Jesus has, and reveals them to you and to me. This is what I want as my 'normal." Yet, it is just as Joyce writes, "Since the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and since He knows the mind of God, one of His purposes is to reveal to us God's wisdom and revelation. The Holy Spirit desires to bring us this enlightenment, but the mind often misses what the spirit is attempting to reveal because it is too busy. " I would also like to add that we miss it when we don't recognize His voice. Recognizing His voice requires time spent listening to Him. Our society is taught to listen but not really to hear. Hearing is the first step of obedience. I am finding that often, the loudest voice I hear is my feelings. They are so loud, so persistent and dominate the landscape of my mind, choking out the certainties(hope, faith, love) I have in God. Walking in obedience to my emotions has gotten me into ugly situations. So many times, I have harvested "Woes me," and "Nobody knows the trouble I been through." Poor thought harvests indeed! He is helping me to change my thought farming techniques.
So what does the mind of Christ look like? Joyce says "The mind should not be filled with reasoning, worry, anxiety, fear, and like. It should be calm, quiet, and serene. The mind is normal when it is at rest." That sounds lovely, but how do I apply this to my mind? Here is what I am learning.

Argument with my husband
Father, You know how angry I am at my husband. You gave him to me. HELP! Help! Help! Help me love this man! Help me to know how to deal with all these feelings, and not sin against him or you. Help me chose your way of loving and speaking and thinking. I submit all my emotions to you and trust you to help me process. I say you are my Source. My source of vindication and peace. Your word says, blessed are the peacemakers, so help me to make peace. Help me to get my needs met in you. Help me to see this situation through you eyes. Help me to honor you and my husband. I am depending on you because I want to get him. I want him to pay for all this pain. You created me with these emotions, You know what I need to do, help me to know too. Give me your heart for my husband. Help me to bless my husband, and not curse him. Your word says be angry and sin not, help me not to sin in this anger. I lay down my right to being right. I humble myself before you. Help me to have the same attitude which was in Christ Jesus. Help me think on the right thoughts, Lord.
This is truly, how I have prayed when my husband and I are in arguments(:bigsmile: No worries, we aren't in one now). I usually start out with my heart and mind so angry and frustrated and hurt. My insides all twisted and hurting. I have to empty myself out of all the storm of emotions to hear. I cry out.

19 Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivers them out of their distresses.
20 He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction.
Crying out signals my trust and my humble heart. It helps me take the emotions and give them to God. As I began to vent and give it to God, He answers my prayer. His peace, and His hope and His love begin to fill the now emptied out heart. I begin to hear His voice and understanding floods my soul. With the understanding of God being in control and taking care of me and this situation, comes peace. The fruit of my actions turn from yelling and screaming in anger and frustration to gentleness and kindness. You know what scripture says?

15 A gentle answer turns away rage,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Look at the power of gentleness. That is the Holy Spirit. For me, feeling His peace, having kind, gentle words that are hope- love filled is a sure sign that I am receiving help from the Holy Spirit and His mind. This is the standard of measure I use for my mind. Hope, Faith, Love and Peace. However, I can only harvest what I have planted. Here is where I am learning my part in this transformation process. It is to fill or plant His word in my heart before I need it. So when the trial comes, I will have a harvest of His word, instead of my emotions. My emotions still feel the same but I respond differently. I respond in faith with hope and love. Faith that I can trust God with my pain, to supply my needs and comfort my heart. Hope that even though this moment is ridiculously hard, that God is working things together for my good. He has a plan for my future that is filled with hope. Love, for when I am feeling the most unloved and rejected. This brings immediate peace to my heart. Peace that shouldn't be there, peace that passes my understanding. Isn't that just like our Lord? He gives us His best.

27 Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]

My prayer for the week's study is Ps:51:10 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
“But I am like an olive tree,
flourishing in the house of God.
I trust in God’s unfailing love
for ever and ever.
I will praise you forever for what
You have done;
In your name I will hope, for
Your name is good.
I will praise you in the presence of
your saints.”
Father God, I am so humbled by your word and the promises that I can trust in your unfailing love...forever! Bless each of the beautiful ladies as we study how our hope in the name of our Savior Jesus is good and cause us to give praise for what you have done! amen0 -
The many years that I have been in counseling, even all the college courses I have taken in psychology, sociology , have never given me an answer to the age old question of what is NORMAL??
So, my understanding of "normal," is more of a question of "What is normal to ME."
Q="What is normal to me?"
A=What is normal to me has so many variables. What is normal today, at this moment, may not be normal in an hour, a day, a week.
Just the word "NORMAL" makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up..
especially since I have been in counseling of one type or another for almost half my life, trying to be "NORMAL."
EX: I have missed 4-5 appointments I had scheduled at the VA this week because the were in the morning. I have trouble waking up, or have woken up super early in pain, and taken pain med's that knock me out, so I oversleep. Then, When I finally wake up, It is around noon or so, and I have an uneasy feeling of anxiety, as I have "Wasted daylight," or not been on the site when everyone else is, and I am behind, ONCE AGAIN on the BIBLE study. And worried that I have not logged even b.fast, and it looks like most folks have logged their entire day(week, month) of food, and exercise. Then the guilt settles in firmly..I am a failure at this. I will never lose this weight, so what does it matter anyway? If my friends on MFP really knew how little I eat most days, would they unfriend me?Or what about my weekly late night binges, where I eat 2 pints of B&J Pistachio ice cream, but that is ALL I have eaten for 2 days, because I am simply NOT HUNGRY because of my pain med's? Would they still be my friends? What if I closed my diary? Would you all still stand by me?
THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^IS NORMAL FOR ME!
What Jenni said is so true for my life. I have learned, in communication classes, and many hours of therapy, that I am a poor listener. I hear about 30% of what is said to me. I tune in when something RELEVANT to ME is said, and tend to start thinking about I am going to say, instead of listening to what is said to me.
It is a pattern of DISRESPECT all my siblings have. We interrupt each other, our SO's kids, friends..everyone, because what WE have to say is more important than what YOU are saying to me.
I know, if you were to ask Jenni about the phone con we had last night, she could tell you that I interrupted her more than 10 times during our conversation. So, what does that say about me? Or how I feel about her? (Hey, I know I am off topic, but I don't really care. I need to get this out.)<yet, again, I am more important..ERRRRRRRR!!!!!
Jenni's quote:
.." Recognizing His voice requires time spent listening to Him. Our society is taught to listen but not really to hear. Hearing is the first step of obedience. I am finding that often, the loudest voice I hear is my feelings. They are so loud, so persistent and dominate the landscape of my mind, choking out the certainties(hope, faith, love) I have in God. Walking in obedience to my emotions has gotten me into ugly situations. So many times, I have harvested "Woes me," and "Nobody knows the trouble I been through." Poor thought harvests indeed! He is helping me to change my thought farming techniques."
YES, THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
So, In conclusion: Normal to me, in my fairy tale land would look like this:
1) I close my diary, as I am too tired of feeling guilty about what I am/am NOT eating.
2)I will not worry about always be the last one to comment, because my sleep pattern is different than yours. If the LORD wants you to read it, HE will make it happen.
3) I will get my hellish vortex of paperwork cleaned up. so my thought's are not scattered in the wind..I know you may not understand that, but with PTSD, if my home is not "Dress right Dress," a military term for super orderly-(Anal compulsive) ,
then my thought pattern is off..I cannot finish a thought all the way to the end, therefore, in my MIND, and in my HOME, nothing gets done.
4) I WILL DO WHAT I CAN DO, AND NOT FEEL GUILTY BECAUSE I DID NOT DO AS MUCH AS THE REST OF YOU. A great thought Jenni told me about. NOT feeling GUILTY if I only ride my exercise bike 15 minutes instead of 45, because I hurt too much-or not even exercising AT ALL. <<But knowing I did WHAT I COULD, and be OK with that.
(This is a real tough one for me, and I ask your prayer in this, as I am a born competitor, and feel horrible if I do not do as much as you all do.)
5) Trusting in the LORD, that HE is in CONTROL. I generally do not have a problem with this, but when it comes to friendships, especially when friendships end, I generally feel like I am a TOXIC person, and the friendship ended because I am TOO much for people to handle.
Ex=Having too many physical issues, too much emotional issues, too much of EVERYTHING. I don't EVER take into consideration, that it may not be about ME at all..maybe the season just ran it's course, maybe the other person had issues I was not aware of, but it is not just ME ME ME!!!
6) Making a conscious effort to learn to LISTEN and HEAR every word you, my friends, OUR LORD has to say. Having the patience to KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT and my MIND/HEART OPEN to the LORD'S voice, your voice-for you all are very special to me.
Oh Golly, Ladies..I have the biggest urge just to hit DELETE, because I picked up my study guide, and cannot figure out how all the stuff I just wrote fits in in ANY chapter..but will just hit SEND, and pray for the best..love you!0 -
My Dear Friend Nicolette,
I highly dislike that word "normal." I have decided that every moment I am alive is one in which I get to learn of the Lord and practice transforming. Romans talks about being not conformed to this world but being transformed. Normal is being conformed. I want His transformation. Since transformation is a process, I will be kaleidoscoping into His purposes and plans for me. So each of my moments are supernatural because He is in each one and I am learning to trust Him with them. Since, Jesus already paid the price for me, His blood stands me in the presence of God blameless and irreproachable, I am not trying to measure up in moments. I am at peace now, trusting God to help me learn and understand what HE wants for this particular moment. This is how I am learning to rest at His feet, while carrying a full load of demands and expectations. This is His grace that empowers me to face my life and live it with joy, peace and hope. I really feel like, it is Jesus saying, "Come on, I will help you exercise, I will show you how to organized your grocery list. I will give you the plan for helping Hayden learn His letters." Jesus, is laboring with me to live my life!
1 Corinthians 3:9 (KJV)
9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
Dearest One, be the best Nicolette that you and God can be. Think on Him being the one to help you with your paperwork, your food diary, your commenting pattern, your sleeping pattern, your listening ability. Guess what? He is the best in each of these areas and will give you His best to help you accomplish these things. You already are His best Nicolette E. He will teach what you need in the moment you need it.
I would also like to bring some balance to your statement about interrupting. I think you are partially correct. You do interrupt but not as bad as you think. In fact, I think you are very human in your interrupting pattern. Which is to say, that you are just like me and everyone else. We are all learning how to listen. I have observed that your ears have been very keen in listening to the Lord in specific areas. You are have a "giving" ear. Meaning He has to only ask you once and you hear and obey immediately. I have been the recipient several times of you hearing the voice of God. You are a good listener, just not a perfect one. Everyday, you grow better at this. He who has begun a good work in you, of learning to listen with His character, is faithfully completing that work.
So, what is normal to you...is what God leads you in. He is directing your path and guiding your footsteps. God's "normal" for Nicolette is His perfect plan and purpose for her. I am so very glad you shared this. It fits perfectly and doesn't need to conform to the workbook. It helps us all to remember that our highest goal is to become Christlike as we live out our lives as who He has created us to be.0 -
My prayer for the week's study is Ps:51:10 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
“But I am like an olive tree,
flourishing in the house of God.
I trust in God’s unfailing love
for ever and ever.
I will praise you forever for what
You have done;
In your name I will hope, for
Your name is good.
I will praise you in the presence of
your saints.”
Father God, I am so humbled by your word and the promises that I can trust in your unfailing love...forever! Bless each of the beautiful ladies as we study how our hope in the name of our Savior Jesus is good and cause us to give praise for what you have done! amen
I love your prayers for us all. Amen! Amen! Amen!0 -
1 Corinthians 2:16(AMP)
16 For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart.
You and I, all of us together, have the mind of Christ the Messiah! Together, we, you and I, now, through His Holy Spirit, have become the vessels of His thoughts, His feelings, His purposes, His heart! What an amazing thing to think on. Spend some focused time today, just letting that revolve around in your mind. God has give us His heart. What does this look like? What does this feel like? What kind of thoughts does God think? What does God know? Ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your understanding and listen. Maybe write out these headings in a journal and write what you hear under each one. Especially if you have something specific you are praying about. Maybe start with things you know God is not thinking. Or, maybe, by making a line down the page and putting on the other side what you are thinking, feeling and purpose. And then asking Him what He thinks, feels and purposes. Sometimes, it helps to see things on paper.
:huh: My thoughtsGod's thoughts
:huh: My feelingsGod's feelings
:huh: My purposeGod's purposes
We must practice allowing the Holy Spirit teach us how to think. We must allow the Holy Spirit to develop His way of thinking in our lives. This is an exercise I use to help me vent and to make sense of what I really need and to focus on God's truth. I hope it helps you.0 -
So, maybe “normal” is referenced here to reflect the presence of “abnormal” in our life and it’s effects. Here we are told that rest is important…we need to fully “rest” our minds…that is our normal condition. To free ourselves of distractions, interruptions or noise. We are constantly besieged with one type of these circumstances each day. Whether at work, home, shopping, driving, and family, friends, church…you get the idea. What our personal life circumferences on any given day. I see this as our juggling act that we try our best to balance…work, family and God (faithfulness).
When our conditions get dicey, tricky or slippery…we are off balance or abnormal-not at rest. It shows in our eating habits, sleeping, working and socializing. Eventually, it shows in our testimony and ministry. This is what is termed as a “spiral” event. When our life begins a spiral downfall, spinning out of control-beyond our ability to control and the results are not good, healthy or spiritually balanced.
Let’s look at what rest looks like in God’s view. Imagine a scale and a stack of tiles on the side. What happens when we put all the tiles in our basket…it is overburdened and falls. But if we measure till the scales rest evenly…we have achieved balance. This is where the working of the Holy Spirits presence effects our discernment needed- to know when we are balanced and in line with a healthy perspective. The “tiles” can represent our personal responsibilities, goals, finances, health or anything that our mind is focus on at the moment.
I have heard it said that a mental breakdown is result of a spiritual unbalance in a person’s life. It is not a mental disease. It is the condition of your spiritual standing. Like a scale standing, if weighted down by lasciviousness, temporal values or moral impurity- it is out of balance with God’s standards. The Holy Spirit is there to teach us how to live a balanced and healthy life which God’s designed and destined for us. We can be VICTORIOUS in Christ Jesus through the power of His Holy Spirit who comforts us. His rest is PEACE…the peace of GOD…balance that rests in harmony with GOD.
May I share my devotion with you beautiful ladies: Isaiah 32:15-18
“…till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high,
And the desert becomes a fertile field, and the
fertile field seems like a forest.
Justice will dwell in the desert and righteousness live in the fertile field.
The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effects
Of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes,
in undisturbed places of rest…how blessed you will be.” Amen.0 -
I have heard it said that a mental breakdown is result of a spiritual unbalance in a person’s life. It is not a mental disease. It is the condition of your spiritual standing. Like a scale standing, if weighted down by lasciviousness, temporal values or moral impurity- it is out of balance with God’s standards. The Holy Spirit is there to teach us how to live a balanced and healthy life which God’s designed and destined for us. We can be VICTORIOUS in Christ Jesus through the power of His Holy Spirit who comforts us. His rest is PEACE…the peace of GOD…balance that rests in harmony with GOD.
May I share my devotion with you beautiful ladies: Isaiah 32:15-18
“…till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high,
And the desert becomes a fertile field, and the
fertile field seems like a forest.
Justice will dwell in the desert and righteousness live in the fertile field.
The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effects
Of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes,
in undisturbed places of rest…how blessed you will be.” Amen.
Oh Zoey, Zoey, Zoey,
I love it! "Balance that rests in harmony with God!" Bulls- eye! Right on target! When our lives are rooted and grounded in Jesus, He is absolutely balanced, so begins our balance transformation. It becomes very evident when I am out of His balance. I become loud and noisy in my thoughts, just like an out of balanced washing machine. My heart agitation sensor goes off, repeatedly, shrill and persistent. A sure sign I am loaded wrong. The Lord hears my cry and adjusts me. He pours His Spirit into me, the places that felt so dry and hot, become fertile places of His presence. He helps my heart to return to rest, balanced on Him as my Prince of Peace.Oh how I love His Word, especially this devotion. It nurtures the deep places of my soul. Just what I needed to hear.
0 -
Oh Zoey, Zoey, Zoey,
It becomes very evident when I am out of His balance. I become loud and noisy in my thoughts, just like an out of balanced washing machine. My heart agitation sensor goes off, repeatedly, shrill and persistent. A sure sign I am loaded wrong. The Lord hears my cry and adjusts me.
LOL....you may need to look into getting a new washer...love you. :laugh:0 -
You have such a beautiful way of reading my mind,
then making sense of the scattered fragments
and writing them eloquently in sentences.
Bless you for hearing my heart.
I love and appreciate you.
Snitch.0 -
You have such a beautiful way of reading my mind,
then making sense of the scattered fragments
and writing them eloquently in sentences.
Bless you for hearing my heart.
I love and appreciate you.
My prayer for you is to continue in the direction that God has purposed for your life and not waiver. You are strong because Christ in you is your strength. Focus on HIM...for His name if WONDERFUL, Prince of Peace...Emanuel.
Love, love, love you sweet friend.0 -
You have such a beautiful way of reading my mind,
then making sense of the scattered fragments
and writing them eloquently in sentences.
Bless you for hearing my heart.
I love and appreciate you.
My prayer for you is to continue in the direction that God has purposed for your life and not waiver. You are strong because Christ in you is your strength. Focus on HIM...for His name if WONDERFUL, Prince of Peace...Emanuel.
Love, love, love you sweet friend.
Tears really flowing now.
Honored to be included in this group of beautiful ladies.
Honored to call all of you my friends.
I cherish all of you.
Loving you,
This discussion has been closed.