Interactive & Motivating Friends! :D

Hiya, I've been on here for about a month now.
Just looking for MFP friends that post frequently that are encouraging & motivating! (an open food diary is a bonus)
I'm 19 from Australia, Looking to lose 10kgs (22lbs) & I'm aiming to post everyday :D


  • amber_j90
    amber_j90 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm Amber! I just joined this group too. I'm 22 and from Minnesota. I've been on MFP for about 2 years but I've just recently been motivated and I'm determined to lose weight! I want to lose 64 more lbs. Good luck :)
  • bronterj
    bronterj Posts: 2
    Hey girls, I'm 19 from Australia too and have only just picked up MFP YET again because I know when I use it, it works but motivation is hard without others. Would be happy to have as friend so I have some sort of motivation if that's okay with you guys?
    I want to lose the last 5 -7 kgs and need some structure with it again :)
  • ashleyxxxo
    ashleyxxxo Posts: 41 Member
    I would also love motivating friends! I live in the US, but I think regardless of where your from everyone needs that extra boost in their fitness journey;)

    Also, Im 22:)