


  • hen1946
    hen1946 Posts: 62 Member
    try to re-position your hands and, to start out do not start flat on the floor. I am 66 (1 year post mastectomy) and I can do some. Good luck!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Thanks for all your input, everyone. Today I was able to get down 3/4 of the way on two sets, so I am making progress. The last two sets, half way again. I am doing as the helpful youtube video instructed, get as low as I can and hold it there. That advice seems to be working. Baby steps and patience will pay off.
  • j5lahaie
    I'm in the military, so I HAVE to do pushups, but they're always tough. The best advice I got was to do them on steps. Do 10 on the 4th step for a couple of weeks (or until you feel comfortable). Move to the third step, etc, until you're doing them on the floor. It works - I always pass my test! This year I'm starting early, and by May I will be maxing them out. I'm 46, so it's going to take six months!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Try doing push ups on the stairs. Feet on the floor and hands on the 4th or 5th stair. Work on them here until you can do 10 then move your hands down a stair. Before you know it you will be doing them on the floor!!

    First time I have ever heard this - starting this today! thanks!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I started with wall pushups, advanced to the kitchen counter tops, while cooking, or at my bedside. When I was able to do them on the floor, I started one military, and would drop my knees to finish the set. I tried to add 1-2 more military style each week. I now do 2 sets of 15 with each workout.