garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, how about a great snack!? When you feel the tingle but not sure what to eat what do you do? How about nuts!!! Especially the whole ones that you have to crack! I love it...get a handful with an apple, nut cracker and "craaaack!!!" a nice prize at the end. YOU feel like you won the LOTTERY for all your efforts! LOL! Plus, with the more effort you probably won't eat as much.
Add fruit to give some nice balance and a healthy treat.
Take advantage when go to grocery store this time of year with all the whole nuts in bags get a nice treat. For those allergic IGNORE message!!!



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I do love nuts. If you are what you eat then that explains a lot about me.

    I have a fond memory of family gatherings on Mom's side. There was always a tray with assorted nuts still in their shell with a nutcracker. The nutcracker on occasion was festive or unique making cracking those nuts all the more enticing. Who would not want to crack a nut? It is fun!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I do love nuts. If you are what you eat then that explains a lot about me.

    I have a fond memory of family gatherings on Mom's side. There was always a tray with assorted nuts still in their shell with a nutcracker. The nutcracker on occasion was festive or unique making cracking those nuts all the more enticing. Who would not want to crack a nut? It is fun!


    My grandparents had a pecan tree; I remember my grandmother sitting at the kitchen table crackin' away. Pecans are still one of my favorites.

    Really, I like them all. :)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    My problem with nuts stems from the amount of calories they contain for the amount of nuts I'd like to eat. It's always the wrong ratio for me.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Almonds are my addiction, in a good way. Haha. I've found that they are the perfect late night study snack because they keep me focused and awake, and are way better for me than the sugary snacks I used to eat to keep me awake. I think all kinds of nuts are good though! I also really like mixing them with some goldfish and raisins and making my own healthy trail mix. When I was working at a camp this summer that's what I brought every day to eat as a mid-morning snack. So good!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I LOVE pecans, one house on our way to and from school, had a pecan tree right over the side walk and we'd stop every day and pick up the ones that had fallen off the tree and take them home to open them and eat them fresh. I still love them, I make cranberry pecan bread this time of year with fresh cranberries and pecans (haven't gotten the gluten free version down yet, so I don't get to eat it, but I have to buy a big bag of the pecans because I'll munch on them while I'm baking the bread!)
  • ajrich1
    ajrich1 Posts: 94 Member
    Almonds are mine go to a friend of mine told me how they fit in because they have good fat and protein.
    I have found Pumpkin Spice ones that are very yummy and have these when I am wanting something sweet.