balancing everything

How do you all balance teaching, playing, cleaning, exercising and all the other things that homeschool Sahparents have to do every day, sometimes it's so hard to keep a household running smoothly and not to mention keeping the house looking decent and by the time all that's done who has time to think about trying to workout please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this


  • eandrsmom
    I have finally resigned myself to the reality that I can't do everything. I have to exercise before the kids wake up, or else it will be 2am before I can sit down again. The laundry baskets are always full, but never overflowing. The floors are always swept, but rarely freshly mopped. The kids are bathed, well fed, and homework gets done. I get the occasional date night with the hubby. Everything else....well, it is what it is. They are only little for such a short time, and I can clean when they are in college, right? :smile:
  • sassieatl
    sassieatl Posts: 120 Member
    I understand completely what you are going through. I even feel that I am alone on this too. I tend to lose it, but have to breathe and inhale and exhale. I need an answer to. How can I do it. I can't get exercise in to save my life. Hubby and I have not had date night in four yrs...yes 4 yrs.
  • bonadea06
    Hi! I think that is the reason we are all here... trying to find the balance. I haven't balanced exercise into my lifestyle and that's why I'm overweight. I struggle with finding the time, the activity, the money, and the childcare (my hubby travels for business) to exercise. I've tried the gym; too expensive and the daycare was closed during the hours that I preferred to exercise. I've tried the Dance Trance classes; too expensive and no childcare. I've tried running; I actually don't like to run. I've tried workout videos; my living room isn't that big. See the pattern? Lots of excuses, both real and imagined. Balance is hard. My children, my home, my husband, have all come first in the past. 2013 is the year I put me in the forefront. Our family motto for 2013, that I started chanting in November 2012, is "Get Busy Get Active". I have to find ways to integrate exercise into our daily routine and it's not going to be easy, as I am my biggest impediment. I'm a homebody, who loves to be home with her children. I have to change my mindset. I hope this group can help me with that!
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    Thank you ladies, great advice!!
  • kristynsflab
    kristynsflab Posts: 66 Member
    How everyone doing! Sorry I started the group then went MIA ! Life got in the way!