PCOS shame?



  • amylouize2012
    amylouize2012 Posts: 268 Member
    Hey guys,

    I was diagnosed with PCOS just before my wedding (30th October 2012) and I have insulin resistance too. My new hubby and I really want a baby and if we are to have a chance at getting pregnant I was told I HAVE to loose weight.

    I was also told to go on the pill to regulate my cycle but I also think that could be partly the cause of it in the first place. I had an implanon bar in my arm for 3 years and my cycle just stopped completely and didn't come back. I've had some tests which didn't show early menopause (thank god) but concluded PCOS.

    Problem is that everything regulates on the pill but this is just a "false" period so i'm not sure if it's beneficial at all. My doc mentioned metaformin to me but I told her I would think about it all and deal with it after my honeymoon. Am home just over 3 weeks now so I guess it's time to "deal" with it. Would love to have some info before going back though because I don't want to get stuck on some meds that will make things worse and make me fatter :o(

    I am completely new to this, any advice would be welcome.

    Please add me xx
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Hi, I have been on Metformin since April with an increase in dosage in July. After the increase, my cycle has returned. It is still long but it was completely non-existent before that. If you do try it, it will probably make you sick. But I have found that the occasional sick spell is worth it. (Some women get sick more often than others).
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    i may have caused it & that's a tough pill to swallow.

    I've read a LOT about PCOS since getting diagnosed, and while there is still so much that isn't known, I can pretty confidently say that your weight did not cause your PCOS. For one, I have 'lean PCOS'. I'm actually borderline underweight, but I still have severe symptoms. It's true that for most people who already have PCOS, weight gain can exacerbate the symptoms, but that seems to mostly be the case if you also have insulin resistance, which not everyone with PCOS does.

    This is a hormone issue. It appears that PCOS is a name given to an imbalance of hormones which manifest in different people in similar ways, but might actually be caused by a variety of different things. That's why some treatments work for some and not for others. You didn't cause it, but hopefully you can find something that helps you improve it. :smile:
  • pland54
    pland54 Posts: 132
    I was also told to go on the pill to regulate my cycle but I also think that could be partly the cause of it in the first place.

    You're a smart cookie! I think there is a lot of evidence to support this concern, and it's why I refuse to go back on the pill even though I'm not currently ttc and my acne and hair loss was less when I was on it....the bc pill masks the symptoms, but it doesn't do anything to treat the problem. Additionally, it may actually increase your risk for endometrial cancer because of 'fake' periods, or no periods if you do extended cycle pills with no break in between.

    My biggest reason for staying away from the bc pill (after being on it for 10+ years) is that you need to be able to SEE the symptoms of PCOS in order to know if the steps you are taking to treat the underlying problem (diet, exercise, metformin, etc) are actually working or not.

    I went on a copper IUD, which has no synthetic hormones. So, now I'm 'au natural', ugly as it is :ohwell: