Check in 12/4/12

JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
Hello All,
CONFESSION TIME: My eating didn’t go well yesterday. I think I got over confident because I was down to 203 yesterday. I ate more carbs than I should have. Well today, I’m 205.2 down just 0.6lbs from last Tuesday. I know what to do, so I just need to do it. My goal is to be 203 next Tuesday. Again, I need to limit my carbs; especially in the evening. So that’s what I’m going to do this week. Yesterday was a rest day. I had planned on working out, but I got home late from work (DC traffic is so unpredictable). I had rice with my soup (a big no, no) and then I had 5 mini reese’s peanut butter cups (another big no, no). You would think I would have stopped there, but oh no, around 10:30 I had 2 servings of Cheez Its (what the heck was I thinking?) Well, tonite is TurboFire 45 EZ Class and I may do a 30 minute strength training class. The weather is beautiful here in DC so I plan on grilling some veggies and sitting on my deck with the fire pit on tonight. NO CARBS WITH MY DINNER!!!!

What are you up to today?


  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Great job. I'm down too 202 as of yesterday. I can't believe since last offical weigh. I have lost 10.5 lbs. Now my first goal of being under 200 is a mere 3 pounds away. I'm so proud of myself. I just hope to someday show someone that it possible. I stay positive cause it the right thing too do. Even with other things going bad in my life. My weight loss has stayed on track. Watch out I'm coming to onederland soon. Bless you
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    That's great ButterFlyLady! You should be proud of yourself for staying on track when other things in your life are going awry. I hope to hear that you’re in Onderland in the next few weeks.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm down to 213 (as of 11/27), was surprised that I actually lost 6lbs over 3 weeks. Don't want to get cocky though since I have another holiday party on the same weekend that I plan to spend baking cookies for my guys at work. I may have to do a triple workout that weekend.

    My goal is to reach onderland by my birthday in January, another 7 weeks, hopefully if I keep up the 2lb per week loss, I should make it.
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Dym123 - That's great! You've done a great job so far. 2lbs/week is doable. You know what to do, so get out there and get her done!!
  • TheNEWMonicaB
    TheNEWMonicaB Posts: 129 Member
    I was down to 203 on Sunday and hit 50.2 lbs total loss! I was so haooy. But, as my body tends to do, I have started yoyo-ing 2lbs this week so far. As of this morning, I am at 205.2, but it's ok. I will win this battle and I really thing I can see 199 by December 31st!!!!!!!!! Good luck to everyone!
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm feeling pretty good. I weighed and measured yesterday. Crazy lost 55 pounds and 55 inches, to date. And that first goal is 3 pounds until 199. But I'm guessing before end of year I'll be at 199. Good luck on this journey. You all will be there soon too. Peace