Eating Fear

momskg Posts: 10 Member
Hello, I was sleeved on Oct 24th and I'm doing really well. No pain, etc. Now I'm realizing that I can eat anything I want to, just not as much. I'm afraid that this new knowledge will be dangerous and lead to me eating food that is not healthy. I've already been tempted but haven't caved. :ohwell: Is anyone going through this issue? Thank you.


  • I am six months out, and for me, I have had a complete shift in mentality about food. I've shifted to a food for fuel mentality. I follow my doctor's orders, and I rarely deviate from that path. When I do deviate, it's a small taste after I've had my protein.

    Good luck!
  • I was sleeved Nov 1st. I still can't have a red meat, pork or bread on my diet. I have always had a thing for bread but I have done really good not having any. A lot of the things that I can have, doesn't sit well on my sleeve. Pasta and rice are a big no no!!! I have made up my mind that a lot of things are going to be off limits for me. Such as the bread and starches. But then again, I haven't gotten to that point so I hope I have the willpower to see if through. I have 2 more weeks before the other stuff is really allowed so here's hoping!!! I have always been a desert person too but I am getting use to the sugar free stuff and really like it. But I don't eat much if I do have anything. It's just all a new lifestyle. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey!!!! :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I was sleeved July 2011, so about 15 months ago. I am able to eat anything I want, but in much smaller portions. Like another person said, what's different for me is my thought process and attitude. For instance, I can't control myself when it comes to certain foods. Therefore I have not reintroduced those foods into my life. I don't need them and frankly haven't missed them. And they are not allowed into my house either. And because I am counting calories and protein, those are my focus. The foods that don't fit into my calorie count for the day or won't get me to the 70-80 grams of protein each day don't get consumed. I don't have enough room for them. That means most startches (bread, potatos, noodles, rice, etc.) I just don't bother with anymore. And I love all the different kinds of bread! So I guess the bottom line is, this is all a daily decision. For me, I still have abour 95 pounds to get to goal and I don't want to ever go back up. So my changes are forever. Or the weight will come back. And no amount of my very favorite food (ice cream) is worth being 386 pounds again.