Groupon Discounted Race Entry

JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
Groupon has discounted entry into two races:
Choose from Three Options

$20 for one entry in The Soup Run 5-mile or 5K race (up to a $40 value)
$17 for one entry in the Cupid’s Single Mingle Sprint 2-mile race (a $35 value)
$32 for entry in each of the above races (up to a $75 value)

A pair of 500-person, cold-weather races kicks off on Saturday, January 5, at noon, when The Soup Run sends chip-timed walkers, joggers, and runners around a circuit starting from Hains Point and ending at a finish line stocked with two choices of soup. A week before competing in the Cupid’s Single Mingle Sprint, participants will convene on Saturday, February 2, to pick up their race bags and, if they like, network or flirt with their fellow runners. The main event begins at noon on Saturday, February 9, at Capital Crescent Trail.
