Strong Lean body Mass

Has anyone tried to figure out what their Lean body Mass should be if they were really strong and had lots of muscle? I am finding that the body fat calculators and lean body calculators and those sites with the photos of bodies and the percent fat don't really tell me about what I should be aiming for as far as lean body mass and then without that you can't figure out any of the other calculations. I guess the ideal thing is to not worry about it and get strong and that was my plan but my brain started thinking about this. Has anyone else thought about this and or figured it out so I don't have to invent the wheel?


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I think there is a method where you can take what your LBM is now, and figure out what your potential is. Lemme dig around.

    But really - nothing is an exact so in the end you just have to do what you can do.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    temporarily joins group....

    Lean Body Mass/(1- Desired Body Fat Percentage)

    sneaks away again.... :wink:
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I used something like taso recommended.

    Currently, I'm ~176 lbs and around 40% BF. That means I have about 105 lbs LBM.

    If I went by a height/weight char that says someone 5'3" is supposed to be only 115 lbs, I would be down to ~8% BF, which I don't think is sustainable for a woman.

    My original goal was 145 because I was comfortable there in the past. It's still at technically an "overweight" BMI, but would put me at a healthy ~27% BF.