Thoughts on Gail Simone being pulled from Batgirl?

moriuh Posts: 72 Member
via e-mail, for that matter?
I'm not reading any of the New 52, but I enjoyed Gail Simone's writing in Birds of Prey and really loved how she wrote Babs, and I've heard a lot of good things in general about her, other than the Batgirl title. But still, I heard that Batgirl was doing pretty well, at least no worse than any other New 52 title, so I don't see why she was pulled from it.
What are your opinions?


  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Well I haven't read it as I haven't enjoyed a single thing about the New 52 (disappointing, as I was pumped for a reboot), but if it has been successful, I'm not surprised she was pulled-- DC doesn't seem to like money. Or good things anymore. I also heard they weren't letting her do any of the creative things she wanted.