any success stories?

Would love to hear - either of managing mental health, weight, fitness, healthy food choices or all of the above.

Ive lost 22 pound 10kg in 5 mnths. Much fitter, have muscles for the first time in ages, am now in a healthy bmi, and loving healthy foods. Havent had mental health probs in over 2 mnths. Hoping to trial off meds in 2 weeks. Wouldnt have imagined all this was possible this time last december.


  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    I would consider myself a success story in progress. I've lost 32 lbs in the last six months, with another 68 lbs to go. I have been working out sporadically (which is more than I can say for any other time in my life) -- enough to almost see the muscles in my upper arms! My depression hasn't been much of an issue for about 18 months, but two months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. This is actually fabulous news because now I finally have an answer to all those left-over issues that didn't leave with the depression. I can tell the medication has been helping, and I'm even starting to sleep better. Today is the first day of Winter Break, so I have from now until Jan. 7th to educate myself about ADHD, make some changes around the house, eat better, work out consistently and brace for an excellent New Year!
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Good to hear!