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A Confused Mind: Chapter 10

Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
edited January 6 in Social Groups
:heart: Proverbs 3:5 -8

5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

7 Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil.

8 It shall be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and moistening to your bones.

Hello My Ladies who live their lives in of the mind of Christ, :heart:

Each lesson, I am learning so much. It is really making a difference in my life. Learning the strategies of the enemy to control my thoughts is allowing me to come out of the battle as more than a conquer. These lessons may seem simple because they are easy to read but I am finding them challenging to implement. Good thing, the Lord is my helper :bigsmile:

This week is all about the confused mind. There is so much in this chapter that has ministered to my heart. It is hard to chose which one to share. As I have shared before, I am a person of reason. I love to problem solve and am very list oriented. So, the whole portion about reasoning is very vital to me to learn and implement.

Joyce writes "Reasoning opens the door for deception and brings much confusion. I once asked the Lord why so many people are confused and He said to me, "Tell them to stop trying to figure everything out, and they will stop being confused." I have found it to be absolutely true. Reasoning and confusion go together." I so agree with this statement because I have lived it. But that is changing as God is training me in the way I should go. As I am growing in Him, I am finding more and more that I am walking in His clarity and discernment. I recognize when I am responding wrong and I ask Him to help me correct and He always does.

When I take my mind and try to answer my own questions, that only God is meant to answer, who is glorified? Not God. Paul writes in Romans 8:6 " Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]." Oh, how many times I suffered death because I reasoned with the mind of Jenni. Thank the Lord, He is teaching me to allow the mind of the Spirit to reign in my life. I will learn to operate with the mind of the Holy Spirit, which produces life and soul peace for me.

What I am seeing as I am learning about this, is human reasoning, that is, reasoning in my own emotions and opinions, leads to confusion and usually disobedience. Look at what scripture says about confusion James 3:16 " For wherever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and selfish ambition), there will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices." Confusion is unrest, which is exactly what I feel when I try to reason something out. My emotions get all involved and sure enough I am begin to feel anxious and worried and fretful. Then there is disharmony, because I cannot walk in faith if I am going back and forth about what I trying to reason. This kind of reasoning puts my focus on what I think and feel instead of on what God's word says. I begin to think "What about me?" When ever I try to justify myself, it is a sure sign to me that I have stopped depending on God for my justification and I have begun reasoning. Then there is rebellion when I chose my way over Gods because it makes sense to me. Then comes in the evil and vile practices. A good example of this, is when I chose to take my right based on my emotions, instead of allowing God to give to me His good. Which usually requires me to lay down my life. Something, that is always very hard for me to do. However, God has made provision for me in this area. I love how He does this. He tells me what is wrong, shows me what is right and then gives me all that I need to do it. I just have to do it! He even helps me with wanting to do it. I know because I often have to do things I don't want to or feel the need to.

I want to give an example of this. When we shut down our restaurant and were seeking the Lord for His direction. Our minds were constantly reasoning how to fix our situation. We were busy, busy, busy with all kinds of choices and possible paths. These paths lead to unrest and much confusion about what we were supposed to do. Just like Joyce wrote "Unanswered questions crucify the flesh life." Boy, was I being tortured. It wasn't till I recognized that I was doing this and repented that I began to hear clearly. I had to humble my heart by repenting and submitting what I thought and what I felt. Sometimes, submitting my emotions to Him, moment by moment. I asked the Lord to show me how to think about this situation. I knew that if I could think the right things, then my emotions would follow. I asked him to show me how to process what I was feeling and to give me His perspective on it. Wow! Did He do just that. As I focused on Him, I clearly began to see what was needed and I was at peace. So much so, that God began to operate in ministry through me in amazing ways. Now, think about this I am loosing everything in my life that has defined me and here, instead of being empty, there was joy and peace, overflowing. Only God could have taken this "evil' and worked it for good. God helped me to do my part, which was humble myself and learn His way as He worked in and through me. I had to be humble enough to ask for this. It didn't just happened. I had to acknowledge I needed His way. As we continued releasing all that we needed to move to North Dakota, we had joyful hearts and clear direction and thus, excellent fruits. Some of the fruit of confusion is complaining, regret, bitterness, hopelessness and strife. My husband and I could have had so much of this but we committed to operating in humility, that we would seek God first and allow His way to dominate our lives. We were united in this focus and the stress of all we faced, that was meant to separate us, God used to weld us together even tighter. We learned so much through this process. Especially, allowing our minds to be transformed so our reasoning was renewed to His word. So much of lives were uncertain but we were certain about our God. This became our anchor. Being certain about God, banishes confusion. Scripture states in 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." My dearest sisters, when we allow God to be the Lord of our reasoning, confusion has no place. Peace reigns!

Confusion is a weapon the enemy tries to use to keep your focused on not knowing or understanding. If Satan can keep you focused on what you do not understand or know, than that is what you reproduce in your life....uncertainty. Which produces unhappiness and insecurity. We are not supposed to know everything. That is why we need God. God knows and understands everything. He is a sure foundation. Not uncertain or unstable. Daily, I am faced with things I don't understand, but instead of focusing on what I don't know, I focus on what I do. I know that God is good. I know that He has plans for good for me, for those I love and for you. He has plans to give you a hope for the future. A plan for your peace for your welfare. He has made provision for every circumstance that is in your life. He is faithful and sure. He is steadfast and more than able. He is full of love for us and holds nothing back. We can trust God! He will help us to not lean to our own understanding. Let us acknowledge Him.......give our all to Him, including what we think, how we feel and what we know and don't know and ask Him for His perspective. He will make plain and straight our paths....no confusion for us! :heart:


  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    Wow, Jenni, how awesome is that!! I love the way you so lovingly interpret scripture and kee p it in context. I have not added to much discussion the past few weeks, but I have done the lessons. I have made time to pray about what the study was saying to me and have read my Bible enough times to have developed some discernment and some things in the chapters 7 and 8 did not sit right with me. I was struggling with some pieces of scripture that I felt were taken out of context then interpreted. I have come to believe it is critical to keep scripture in context or its meaning can get twisted. You, Jenni, are very gifted at taking scripture and applying it to your life (and our situations, too) yet keep them in context.

    I do not claim to be a Bible scholar-I am far from it-Nicolette (who has been my sounding board and can be my witness!)and has blessed me imeasureably!! Thanks, Nic!! After much prayer and after taking some time to get in touch with the lady who first took me under her wing when I accepted Christ and discipled me, I have decided to pull out of this particular study. I much prefer Jenni over Joyce I guess you could say. My spirit is questioning many statements and points that are being pressed-especially in the last few chapters.

    I pray this does not offend any of you, especially, Jenni, Ms. Beverly and Nicolette who have been my most prized gifts from MFP!! I will continue on the discussion board without the book or workbook if that is ok with you all. I do believe this is why I have been having difficulty logging and being in contact the way I was previously though-I do not like confrontation and even though this in on-line, it is extremely personal for me and I hate the thought of hurting people's feelings or for anyone to think I am being judgemental of them. It is a personal decision.

    That being said, When you wrote this, Jenni "What I am seeing as I am learning about this, is human reasoning, that is, reasoning in my own emotions and opinions, leads to confusion and usually disobedience. Look at what scripture says about confusion James 3:16 " For wherever there is jealousy (envy) and contention (rivalry and selfish ambition), there will also be confusion (unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices." Confusion is unrest, which is exactly what I feel when I try to reason something out. My emotions get all involved and sure enough I am begin to feel anxious and worried and fretful. Then there is disharmony, because I cannot walk in faith if I am going back and forth about what I trying to reason. This kind of reasoning puts my focus on what I think and feel instead of on what God's word says." You must have been in my prayer thoughts listening to my discussions with God!! I have had much confusion and was trying to reason it out. I thought I was reasoning it out, but was not. When I actually listened to God and ran it past someone who I respect a great deal on Biblical knowledge and life application it became clear. I was discontent in my spirit. Its so amazing to me how when I am in my own head I can make a mess, but when I sit back and let God just tell me what's up things become clear!! LOL And I get so darn serious that I miss the message sometimes!

    I must get to my samples.....yes, I am at work.....love you ladies and thank you in advance for understanding!!
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    My Dear Friend Christine, :love:

    How can I be offended by you obeying God? Never! He is faithful to lead you in the way you should go. I trust Him to lead you and I trust you to hear. There is no conflict here. Be at peace. I understand and support you in seeking and obeying our Lord. You are always welcome on the boards here. We are here to grow in knowing our Lord, no matter how that process may look. Also to share in helping each other to be the women of God He has purposed.

    My Christine, truly God leads you. Your life speaks very loudly of His authorship. I am sorry you felt so much stress over this. I just release you from any expectations that you may have felt I placed on you or was a requirement of the group. I love who you are and how you are growing. You are free to do what He is leading you to with a joyful and light heart.

    Grace, peace and much love to you,
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    I knew you would understand Jenni! You are so awesome!! And, like I said, you have a gift for applying God's Word in your life and have such eloquent ways of suggesting the same for others around you!! What an incredible blessing!

    I am looking forward to finishing the Bible before the new year. I decided to read it through chronologically this year and its been wonderful. My disciple leader suggested Jesus CAlling by Sarah Young for me for next year as a guide. She also suggested Kiss Me Like You Mean It by Dr. David Clarke for me and Teddy to regain some of the intimacy that has been lost in the years dealing with his pornography addiction. He has almost a year porn-free by the grace of God!!

    (I realize I am writting to Jenni kind of personally on our message board and this is definitely for all of you to read....I just happen to be directing it at her)

    I am STILL at work! Only 5 hours to go on this 16 hour shift, but I get to go to church tomorrow so it is worth it!! Amen!!

    God's blessings to you all sweet sisters!
  • right2b
    right2b Posts: 93 Member
    My disciple leader suggested Jesus CAlling by Sarah Young for me for next year as a guide.

    Christine: You will enjoy this devotion by Sarah Young...my husband got it for me last Christmas and it is awesome! I understand your position with the study. I will look forward to your insights and sharing what is on your heart with us. You have become such a blessing in our group...and to me!

    Love you, love you, sweet friend....Zoey:heart:
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks, Zoey!! :bigsmile:
    I appreciate the encouragement! I hope to finish my commitment of reading through my Bible chronologically by December 31st-I got a bit behind in the last month, but I still have plenty of time to catch up and complete it! Hopefully the Sarah Young guide will continue to keep me on track spritually.
    I am sure you are all in as much prayer over the incident in CT as I am.:cry: My disciple leader has lost 2 children so when I called her to run my questions past her I asked her first how this was effecting her. Every time there is something like this I think of how it must bring such :brokenheart: to anyone who has lost a child. As you can imagine she has been as devastated for these 20 moms as if she had lost her children all over again. I can't imagine losing either one of mine-especially in such horrific circimstances. I simply hold on to the fact that as scary as our world is becoming that it can only mean one thing-that Jesus is coming!! We must all be vigilant in reading God's Word and in praying for our leaders in government-especially our president!!
    Chat soon!

  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I have been giving much thought to what confusion looks like in my life. I have been asking the Lord what is the difference between not knowing and confusion. There are lots of things I don't know and don't understand that I don't feel confused about. What I am noticing is that confusion, for me, comes when when my mind is trying to focus on two things or more things at once.

    Here is the perfect example:

    My husband and I did not know what we were supposed to do for a job in Oregon. For five months we did everything we knew to get one. Without success. One thing we did know was that our God would supply for our needs. So that whole time we had all our base needs met. We were standing on this scripture Ps 32:8 " I , the Lord will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you." We were standing in faith that He was and would continue to teach us how to live.
    It often didn't make sense to our logical mind but we did as we felt He lead.

    Then came the day we saw that North Dakota had more jobs then people. We prayed about going. Not really wanting to go at all, but doing the "token' thing of seeking first. When God gave us this scripture Genesis 12:1 "God told Abram to go from his country, His people and his family to the land the Lord was calling him." WHAT?????? Leave my home, my family, my friends? God couldn't possibly want that, right? Confusion came in immediately. We had no money, no way. Going to ND was impossible. See, I asked the Lord with my own agenda. Just like James said chapter 1 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." Then it became, maybe I misheard the Lord. I am human right, and it is possible I heard wrong.Yeah, that is what happened because God wouldn't ask this of me. WRONG! The gentle holy spirit kept bringing me back to the word and reminding me that I asked and He answered and now it was my turn to act. However, with my heart divided between what I wanted and what I knew was right, I struggled. The enemy immediately used that opportunity to make me doubt even more that I heard the Lord. He used my mom, to call me and tell me she thought we were way off base and totally not hearing God correctly. My mom is a very Godly woman and some one I totally trust. My heart was in anguish because my mom was saying what my heart was but not what the Lord was leading me in. Should I listen to my mom, who I know is full of the wisdom of God and loves me, or should I listen to myself? It was a season of much confusion. I learned the one sure way to get rid of confusion is to focus on an absolute. Our God is absolute! I went back to His word and focused on the scriptures He had given me. As I did this, it brought my heart in unity with His purpose and things became very clear. Yes, we were suppose to go to ND.

    I have been here 10 months now, and it has been so hard. I have missed my family so much. Yet, I have been greatly comforted by knowing I am obeying the Lord and walking in faith. Faith is what pleases Him and that is my heart desire. In fact, the moment I start going down the path of "am I supposed to be here?" If I let my emotions lead I began to feel that unstableness and confusion shows up. I go back to His word for this move and for me. It stabilizes me. I am here secure and comforted by my Lord. Who supplies all that I need here, including comfort for my aching heart.

    I recognize that having a divided heart for me, is an open doorway for confusion. By the grace of God, He is helping me shut it every time. Our God is so good!
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    My Zoey,

    "Remember the power of the Holy Spirit to impress the secret places of our hearts." LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! This is such a great statement for me.....His Holy Spirit teaches me in the way I should go, including the thoughts I need to think, the words I need to say and the timing of it all. So, when I look at me, I see "Jenni, created in God's image," not Jenni, created in her own opinion. Your words, hit my heart and echo in my being. Just what I need to hear. :love:

    I also love your devotion. Thank you so much for sharing. I really loved that Christ is faithful in me, as I hold onto the courage and hope that He has given me. That hope is in Him, Who calls me, His temple. Since I know He is always and forever faithful, if there is a broken connection it is because I am unfaithful. Even in that, He is faithfully calling me to himself. Also, I am struck by the thought that deceitfulness hardens my heart. A few days ago, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "When you believe lies about yourself, you will believe lies about others." What this means to me, is I will misjudge the situation because my discernment will be skewed. So this is confirmation that I am on the right track. See, I want His discernment, not my opinion. Especially, not His truth colored with my opinion. So, I been seeking the Lord for His Truth. The clearer I see myself through His perspective the clearer I see the others that need His love, His encouragement, His truth. This is my heart focus right now. Letting John 16:13 become alive and active in my life.

    :heart: But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].

    The Lord is leading me into Truth, which to my heart is Jesus. Because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am learning to let Him guide me, because I keep trying to "jump the rails" and run on my own discernment. I truly am being faced with situations that require His guidance to see the truth that is not evident to me and is really outside my opinion. By faith, I am believing He is helping me grow in His Truth! Behold now, the Spirit of Truth has come.....in this moment for me. I so love the Lord, Who is my truth. Love to you Zoey for feeding my Spirit and encouraging my soul.
  • right2b
    right2b Posts: 93 Member
    Following your intuition usually comes naturally to us ladies, right? I sometimes wonder if that is why our battle in the mind is sometime so intense, because Satan know this. Our first design (God’s purpose) is to be a helpmate to our husbands, a nurturer to our families but above all the vessel that carries the ability to give life…birth. We have an innate “intuition” because of this beautiful ability that God designed in us. It is a way through which the power of His Holy Spirit impresses the secret places of our hearts…where God speaks. This week’s study focuses on leaning on God’s discernment and knowledge as we apply it to a normal thinking process. Reasoning or rational has a way of taking our minds in a direction that God had not intended.

    As I put up my Christmas decorations, I was placing the nativity scene out. I pondered at the circumstance around Mary and Joseph. Consider the witness of Elizabeth (Zacharia’s) Mary’s cousin when she visited her house…”And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Lk.1:41) Up until this point, Mary mostly pondered upon the things she heard and saw - since her first visit from the angel of the Lord. She had witness of the wonderful thing that God had done for her…when Elizabeth called her “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Remember…our innate intuition? The power of His Holy Spirit to impress the secret places of our hearts. This is a beautiful example of God’s ability to give discernment. It is truly our basic instinct…only women have. It is also the greatest proof of truth that God created man in His image…for Mary “knew no man”…therefore only God’s image could be created. When Mary spoke…Elizabeth’s babe (John the Baptist) leap in her womb. What love, what a King to be born, what joy! :heart:

    When we hear that deep down voice that nudges our conscience, that “leaps” out to grab our attention that it is Jesus who is “in the room”…we can be sure that what is impressed in our spirit is right. Our thoughts need to be ready to follow our Lord…beyond doubt, without disobedience, fully engaged to see God’s fullest and best for our life. Follow your inner “intuition”…it is the power of the Holy Spirit which discerns all manner of evil and false witness. Like my mom use to tell me…”if it don’t smell right, don’t eat it!” If it doesn’t line up with the word of God…don’t believe it. Discernment…for me is a practical application of God’s principles in our daily lives. :love:

    May I share my devotion in Hebrew 3:6, 12-14

    But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house.
    And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.
    See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns
    Away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, so long as it is called Today,
    so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
    We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end of the confidence we had at first.

    (please pardon my edits...my cold medicine is very good...when I sleep...zzzzzzz:blushing: )
  • right2b
    right2b Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    :heart: After reviewing my posting yesterday, I wanted to add a few thought and maybe clarify some of my statements. Following our instincts does come naturally to us as women. Why I say this is because we have an innate sense of the “unexplainable”…a intuitiveness that will cause us to raise an eyebrow or pause to assess the situation, right? Normally, we follow our first inclinations. It provokes a question…”what do I sense here?” Your intuitiveness has been heightened. Spiritually, it is the prompting of the Holy Spirit and of course He speaks and leads both men and women. What I refer to when I say “women’s intuition” is best explained in the meeting between Elizabeth and Mary…the unspoken word, the look between women (sisters, mother, daughters, friends) that needs no words...you immediately understand the exchange. Men scratch & shake their heads when we do this (at least mine does) and say stuff like…”how do you girls know that stuff or how did you know that?”

    I think it is explained so clearly in their (Mary/Elizabeth) exchange: the way our intuitiveness as women works. Here you see with Elizabeth…”the baby leaped in her womb” (physical reaction) and then she was filled with the Holy Spirit (inspired vocal/written word). Why do you suppose Elizabeth spoke with a loud voice when she witnessed to Mary the wonderful things God had done? She was “filled with the Holy Spirit”…God spoke to the secret place of her heart that Jesus was in the room, here on earth and God was giving Elizabeth witness of this wonderful event. She spoke what the Holy Spirit bore witness in her heart from God. I genuinely believe that our intuition as women was uniquely given by God when He made us…knowing that we were the “lesser vessel”, He equipped us with a direct link, so to speak, with HIM. In Genesis, Satan first went to Eve…because Satan knew she understood and pondered the secret things of God. Why didn’t Satan first attack Adam??

    Today, God still speak to us…in the secret places of our heart.(Mat.6:6) This is where discernment and knowledge of His word is critical. Satan attacks us with reasoning, intellect, education, experience, half-truths and lies. But if we use our intuitiveness…we can pause long enough to wait for understanding to follow our initial hesitation. Then, quietly, softly…calmly we will hear from the Holy Spirit. It will bear witness to our hearts…and our intuition will bring about that “Aha” moment. We have gained discernment in the matter to make the right decisions, responses, changes and growth! God wants to enrich our lives with the fullness of Him…unconditional love! Oh, the mysteries of God! :heart:
  • Simple6
    Simple6 Posts: 170 Member
    Awwww yes, I loved this! :love: Zoey, thank you for putting into words the voice of God for us ladies.

    "She was “filled with the Holy Spirit”…God spoke to the secret place of her heart that Jesus was in the room, here on earth and God was giving Elizabeth witness of this wonderful event. She spoke what the Holy Spirit bore witness in her heart from God. I genuinely believe that our intuition as women was uniquely given by God when He made us"

    I so agree with you in this. I will go one step farther and say, that this gift is an expression of how God Himself operates. I see it operating in Jesus in Matthew 12:25 where it says "He knew their thoughts." Of course, God is all knowing. We are not. We could not handle that so He created us with a natural inclination for intuitiveness so we would be receptive to His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth and reveal the things that are yet to come (John 16:13). Jesus wants us to operate and actually do greater things then He did.

    You wrote "if we use our intuitiveness…we can pause long enough to wait for understanding to follow our initial hesitation. Then, quietly, softly…calmly we will hear from the Holy Spirit. It will bear witness to our hearts…and our intuition will bring about that “Aha” moment. We have gained discernment in the matter to make the right decisions, responses, changes and growth! God wants to enrich our lives with the fullness of Him…unconditional love! Oh, the mysteries of God! heart"

    I love this clear picture of how our intuition is to be used. It is to be used to sense the Holy Spirit's voice. It is supposed to flow out of the enrichment of God in our lives. From His fullness, all that He is. Oh Zoey, how I love this. Often times, our intuition is colored by our wounds, lack, and fears, It is active in our lives but not correctly oriented. We need the Lord for correct orientation. So our discernment will be correct, for we are oriented to His perspective and have His heart for the situation. :heart: Yes, my friend, God still speaks to us today! For surely, I hear His voice through you. :heart:
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