A Little Depressed

I don't know about you ladies...but since yesterday I've been in a funk. All I can think about is those poor children in CT and the other ladies that lost their lives for no reason. NO REASON AT ALL. I already cried. Then I look at over at little one then I feel tears coming on again because I feel so sorry for those parents of those kids. Ugh, I hate feeling this way and hope it'll get better soon.

I should be motivated and eat well and go outside for a walk etc. But I feel a little bit depressed. And the worse part is when I'm feeling particularly down, I tend to eat my feelings. I have done a pretty good job today but I feel I might slip and indulge just a little bit.

please don't judge :(


  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    I felt the same today. My mom came down to watch the kids, so I could shop. I went out, came back, started wrapping, put on a Christmas Movie, then stopped. My life is going on as normal, my thoughts turned to those parents with just as many unwrapped toys, and those kids who won't ever open them. I cried too, we ar fortunate to have them.