I am so sweet..I make your coffee sweet w/ my finger! 12/17

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, since I was cooking up a storm last night it hit me this am...while enjoying one of my creations a pumpkin muffin; how do you tweak what you eat?
I made the muffins and the recipe called for 3/4 cup of sugar so I put a tad less then half cup. They taste fine! Why do we overload our foods with sugar and other oils and salt?!
How do you tweak in your cooking to make it healthier?
If you don't cook how do you make fast food or frozen meals healthier? I used to add frozen veggies to the frozen meals I used to eat.
Do you plan to make meals healthier this holiday w/o sacrificing taste?

Challenge: Think of ways to do this...we all can improve what we cook or heat up. Think of ways to make it better!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I don't sacrifice flavor. If it requires sugar I use sugar. You just eat less of it or work out more. If you sacrifice on flavor and end up eating cardboard you will fail.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I too was baking all day Sunday. I was so proud - I didn't like my fingers or the dishes or nibble. Until it came to cutting up the biscotti - then I ate the crumbs which I counted as one whole biscotti in the diary. I was so busy, I didn't eat dinner. And that's not a good thing. I made my grandma's pumpkin pie with non-fat milk. And I made healthy snacks for some people and oreo cookie balls for others who I know aren't caring what they eat. One of the healthy snacks I made was nuts, oatmeal - both ground up to meal, honey, coconut oil, baking powder, and mashed cooked up carrots. I think they need some spice and I would use pumpking instead of the carrots if I was to do it again. They may be power balls of protein and nutrients but they are pretty tasteless. I have to agree with aakaakaak - if it's tasteless - why eat it? So I made some homemade bake-less power bar types with almonds, pecans, dates, crandberries, honey, cocoa, a pinch of salt - much better. And an easy, adaptable recipe that I can whip up all the time rather than spending money on Lara Bars - which my whole family loves. I like them too but they use way too much coconut which I hate. Fun in the kitchen - wish I was a stay at home mom.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    No guys what I mean is why do we add or accept excess! I used less sugar and it didn't change the good flavor of the muffiin. It still was plenty sweet and had a good pumpkin flavor! What I ma saying why add more if you don't need more? Is more always better just because it is there?
    I highly believe in flavor: check out one of the old daily challenges on Herbs and spices. I just don't think we always need the EXTRA sugar and salt sometimes.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I rarely use salt for cooking, I will put some in, but not a lot, I found using more spices and/or fresh spices (depends on if I can get the fresh ones I like or not) makes it taste just as good or even better than the extra salt. I'll cut sugar in a recipe as well, more often than not, it doesn't affect the flavor (and I've had people like it better!)

    Never thought about adding extra frozen veggies to a frozen meal, I add broccoli to mac and cheese (whether frozen or not) but I never considered any other frozen meal, and I always want more veggies on the rare occasions I eat them now (hard to find GF ones that aren't a pasta dish like veggie lasagne or manicotti, ect so I don't eat them that often)
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I stopped adding salt to most recipes I make. I rarely notice that there is no salt. I have also added less sugar on occasion. Whenever a recipe calls for onion salt or garlic salt I opt for onion powder and garlic powder rather than the salt versions. Tastes oh so much better.

    I actually tweak recipes on a regular basis by adding different spices or vegetables. I love experimenting like when I came up with Elvis Bread or this past weekend I made Mexican Flavor Pot Roast.

    I have no problem with experimenting but I can tell you when I cooked with my grandma she was livid if I did not add salt or recommended sugar. She insisted it was needed. Some might not like deviating from recipe and some might have mindsets like grandma. I can tell you my husband was not to keen when I weened him off canned vegetables. He seems to think vegetables are suppose to be mush and lacking color. lol