


  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there! I'm Michele and I'm 24 from the good ol' state of PA. Not for long though because we're moving to MD soon! I've been up and down the scale since I was 6 years old, with my longest healthy spree during college. I walked EVERYWHERE those days. Last month I found myself up to 205 lbs. and obese. I've not been happy since I started gaining 2 years ago. I do have a wonderful husband, which is somewhat odd for someone my age, well at least in my friends circle. He married me at my heaviest and now is cheering for me as I descend! Together we have our lovely cat River who is spoiled beyond all measure! We haven't decided when exactly to try for children, but we accept that if I can have them, awesome, if I can't, well I'll be heartbroken but we'll just devote our lives to travel! I'm looking to get down to 155 lbs and am currently at 194.6 lbs.

    Fun Fact: I visited Italy for a little over a month when I was in college to take part in a media program. Ever since then I'm in love with wine. :)
  • AllisonPlease
    AllisonPlease Posts: 48 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Allison and I am a 26 year old paralegal in downtown LA.

    I started putting on weight when I began dating my wonderful boyfriend. He's such a big guy with a great football physique, his shorts and sweats always looked so comfy that I started wearing them and eventually began growing to the point where I actually began to fit them. :(

    I've always SAID I wanted to lose the weight, but any attempt made probably never lasted more than 2 weeks.
    It's time to get out of my complacent comfort zone and so something, so here I am.

    I have almost 80 pounds to lose before I reach my goal weight, and am hoping to at least reach the half way mark by April.

    I know I can do it, now is the time to take action!
  • SalPal03
    SalPal03 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello everyone! I am from Vancouver, BC and 27 years old.

    I joined MFP in Nov of 2010 and really started my weight loss January 2011. By May I had lost 23lbs and felt amazing! I wasn't at my goal weight yet, but I was the closest I had been in years. Then in June I broke my toe and couldn't put on my running shoes and go to the gym which wasn't too big of a problem... it was summer and there was lots of bike rides and swimming so I wasn't too concerned.
    September 2011 came and I figured it was time to get back to the gym! I was going to start on Monday, but until then I was going to eat my favourite foods, after about 1 year of "I'll start on Monday" I've gained all the weight I loss plus 10lbs. For the last few months I've been a lot better at watching what I eat and working out, but not to the level I need to be able to lose the weight.

    I have every reason to be 100% motivated as I'm marrying to the most amazing man ever in Sept 2013. and must loose between 30 & 35lbs by then! So happy to be in this group!

    Best of luck everyone! Feel free to add me!

  • Hello everyone. I'm Casey. I just turned 31 and I'm from the Metro Detroit area - Michigan. I am a Human Resources Manager turned SAHM. I have two beautiful little girls, ages 15 months and 2 months. I gained about 50 lbs with my first born, had to have a c-section. Lost about 30, then got pregnant again. The 2 c-sections have really put me behind in the exercise department. I've lost about half the weight so far and I want to lose the rest before summer. Feel free to add me - I'm on every day :)
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    My name is David and I'm from Zumbrota Minnesota. I have been on MFP since late July, not quite five months. I have been overweight most of my adult life and obese for at least the last ten years. I have lost double digits in weight a few times, including losing more than 60 in 1988.

    I am a retired Postmaster and I went back to work at the Mayo Clinic in their mailroom. I am 58 years old, married with four adult kids, and one grandchild and another on the way.

    I got my lifestyle change kick started with my annual physical. The doctor didn't sugarcoat the dire straits my health was in, and walked me through the future if I didn't immediately lose weight. He mentioned bariatric surgery and that was enough for me. I have pretty steadily lost weight and I have kept the calories low, while kicking up the exercise. While there was urgency for me to lose a lot of weight, I don't feel the urgency now--my health has improved markedly--but I have incorporated several good habits in my current lifestyle and have continued to lose weight since reaching my (medically necessary IMHO) intermediate goal of 60 pounds lost.

    I am quite the sports fan, especially baseball and especially the local Minnesota Twins, and I am an avid golfer. I hope this group with similar goals will be fun. It looks like the females outnumber the males, but I like that!
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm Michele, 29, from NYC. I'm a recent nursing school grad and have been looking for a job and trying to lose weight since graduation. My first year of nursing school I lost weight because I was so depressed/anxious and never ate, and then last year I put on 16 lbs because my anti-anxiety/antidepressants had given me horrible insomnia and my sleeping pill has made me night eat. I also ate out of stress and didn't make time for myself, to exercise and eat healthy.

    I've lost some weight so far but want to lose another 30 lbs by my 30th birthday, in June! I just want to be healthy, strong, and finally in the "normal" BMI range.

    We can do it! I'm sure many of you are like me and often put others first, but sometimes we have to be a little selfish (in a good way) and make time for ourselves, so we can eat right and get some exercise in.
  • Prettttty sure no one is going to read this but what the hell!

    I'm Kelsey, 21 years old. Live in Texas with my Fiance who i've been with for 7 years.

    When I met him I weighed 130 lbs, but got down to 118 for a while. I felt great then. Recently I put on weight and am now up to almost 140.

    my wedding dress is sitting in my mother's closet, and I no longer fit into it, so it's definitely time to make a change!
  • Good afternoon. Super busy day. My name is Mercy. I have 31 pounds to lose at this point in my journey. I have lost 35 pounds so far. I started in July seriously. I lost the weight by sticking to the mfp calories, drinking water (the water is so key), moving, eating clean and just knowing that if I mess up tomorrow is a new day.

    I'm a very busy person. I work two jobs. One for the State through the DCF and the other as a nurse for an urgent care. I have two boys one who just turned 17 and the other who is 3... I know I know... I try my best to respond to everyone because I think it's so important. We can do this!
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Hola everyone! Meaghan here , 22 years old and a senior in college majoring in Elem Ed w/ a minor in Spanish! I have much more than 30 lbs to lose but I think this will be a great great jumpstart for me on this lifelong journey! Graduating in May and I want to get this weight off! With the support of you guys I think it is possible! =) Thanks for allowing me to join this group!

    I believe in everyone here that we can beat this battle of bulge!!!
    Feel free to add me! =)
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    Im having a blast reading these :) I really feel good about this group!

    Hey all!
    Im Gabrielle, im 25 and have two amazing kids, both age 4. (My son JUST turned 4 and my daughter will be 5 here shortly) I am new to this single mom bit (still finalizing the divorce :( )) but am loving life all the same! I was at my heaviest at 196lbs and swore I would not see 200. I got to 186 and sat there FOREVER. I started MFP in sept at 184.4 and am currently floating between 174 and 175 depending on the day. I cant wait to see 170, 160, and then 150 and so on! I have done lots of groups before but after the first week or two everyone seems to fall off. This group seems much more motivated!
  • chaoskitty
    chaoskitty Posts: 29 Member
    I'm Kassie...I'm 37, I have two grown children (21 & 18) I met an amazing man a few years ago.. we spent every date eating... we both gained weight... then we got married and had a baby.

    I've been slowly losing my baby weight this last year and a half but when I say slowly what I mean is sloooooooooooooooowly.

    Baby girl had a lot of health problems and trying to get back into the swing of life after a baby and working full time is a hard balance. I NEED to start incorporating exercise into my life again. This group may be the motivation I need. Thanks so much for starting it!
  • cgray1978
    cgray1978 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Catherine and live in the UK
    I've always been relatively healthy and exercise regularly but have never really been happy with my weight as I fluctuate so much.
    I'm 35 in March so do find it so much harder to shift than I did in my 20's but I also know I could be stricter with my diet as I have a real sweet tooth!!!

    Am looking forward to joining and getting the New Year off to a fab start

  • Hi, I am Kathy and I live in Australia. I have a lot to loose and need a lot of help to do it. Every day I start again and fail. This time I am not going to let that happen and I need your help. I don't work in pounds but kilos but I have my conversion table handy so I can keep on the same page as you all! It is very inspiring to read the progress of other people and to share their struggles.
  • Hi! My name is Leia, I'm 28 and I live in Dallas, Texas. I have always been pretty thin (5'4" 115 lbs after high school), though not really super athletic, especially since high school. Until the end of summer!!!!!

    I started a medication a year ago and gained about 15 lbs in 6 months, with really no change to my eating/drinking/exercise habits. That really felt hardly noticeable and I wasn't concerned. Then my prescription was upped and I gained another almost 20 lbs in 2 months.

    Well, I'm finally off the meds, but stuck with this weight. Though I stopped gaining as my metabolism returned to normal, I started on my fitness pal to lose the weight I had gained and get back to my healthy weight before summer 2013.

    I am NOT a fan of gyms and it's really hard to convince myself to work out, so in an effort to avoid it for the most part, I've started taking the stairs to and from my apartment (2nd floor) and office (3rd floor) and parking further away from grocery store entries, etc.

    So far in 8 WEEKS I've lost 13 lbs. I'd like to lose another 21lbs before St. Patty's Day!
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Danie, I'm 28 and I live in Wisconsin. My goal right now is to lose 30-40 pounds, aiming for 5-10 a week.

    I work as an editor, so most of the work day I'm sitting. I have always been very active and maintained a healthy weight. In college I gained the "freshman 15" (plus a "little" extra...!) and at my heaviest I was 216 pounds. I was very successful on Weight Watchers for a few years, dropping 56 pounds and maintaining. I walk almost every day, bike, do yoga, pilates, and zumba as well as attend a bi-weekly dance class.

    About a year ago I went to the doctor complaining of an unexplainable weight gain. I hadn't changed the way I was eating, had actually increased my activity, but was seeing both the scale and my pants sizes going up! My doctor determined I have an autoimmune disorder that affects my thyroid and causes weight gain, and now I am on a medication to control it that has weight gain as a side effect!

    At first I gave up completely, figuring it was the medication and there was nothing I could do about it. But then I decided I couldn't just give up - I have to fight this! I've been down to my goal weight before and I know I can do it again!

    In addition to the medical problem, I've identified another potential risk to my weight and health: my boyfriend! We've been together for going on 4 years, but he is the kind of person who can eat and eat and lose 5 pounds! He is also very active, goes to the gym every week night, runs, and is blessed with a high metabolism! (What a jerk!! :] ) Often when we eat together, he wants to throw in a frozen pizza or go out for fast food. I try to make "better" choices when we do, but I know the frequency is hurting me more than I can help. So this is something we're working on!! :]

    I know this website is full of people with similar goals as me, so I'm glad to be a part of this group! Looking forward to sharing stories, tips, tricks and experiences with you all!
  • ashleygaspard
    ashleygaspard Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Everyone, My name is Ashley, I'm 25 years old, 5'0, married, and no children yet. I was born and raised in a small town in Louisiana and good food surrounds me 24/7! Boudin, jambalaya, gumbo, king cake.... the list goes on and so do my excuses! Ive always been athletic and overweight. No matter how much softball I played, the lbs never came off. My goal is to lose 20-30 lbs before my husband and start TTC in June/July. I feel it'd be easier to get the weight off after giving birth than to try to start after the added babyweight. I joined MFP in Feb 2011 and by April 2010 i had reached my 30 lb weight loss goal and had lost a total of 31 lbs! I then got married and enjoyed the first year of marriage, adding back 20 pounds from that 30! I finally snapped back into reality and have gotten back on the fitness pal wagon but i will need all the motivation and support I can get from everyone. thanks! and good luck to everyone on their weight loss goals!!! :)

    We are all here for the same reason so I will gladly accept any friend request! :)
  • KBeener
    KBeener Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm Karen. I'm so glad to be a part of this group, y'all! Originally from Texas, now living in California. I generally have always been healthy, but after my second pregnancy I've been struggling with extra weight and have been making poor diet choices. I've started the journey back to a healthier me, am making better food choices, have cut back on sugar, but still need to improve. I eat way too much sugar and not enough vegetables! And I also want my two boys to go in the right direction. My husband is really healthy and encouraging so that is a plus.

    Lately I've been having a hard time exercising because I hate the cold. I need more ways to exercise indoors!

    I am 5'5"
    pre-baby weight was 128
    after-baby weight was 168
    starting on MFP at 164
    currently 157
    short term goal is 145 by March
    ultimate goal is 135-ish by summer
  • Hi eveyone. I'm Lisa and am looking for friends to provide encouragement to lose 30 or so pounds. I have put on a lot of weight in the past three years due to medical issues and emotional eating. I usually have no problem getting to the gym (in fact I push myself too hard at times) but I never see any results. I work out with firnds in town, but we have a problem with eating out afterwards. So I'm looking for new online friends to keep me going.
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I LOVE reading all of this! :-)
  • trainingdirty
    trainingdirty Posts: 55 Member
    hi, i'm merynda ^.^
    i'm 5'5 & 160 pounds, i'm looking to lose 35-40 pounds!
    i love mfp & the great community, and im excited to be a part of this group (:
    we can do this! (: