Weekly Challenges

I think it'd be a GREAT idea to have weekly challenges to keep everyone motivated!
ANY type of exercise is better than NO exercise! no matter how slow you think you are, you are still lapping everyone on the couch!
Let's say for example, we start Monday or the Monday after Christmas-- Week 1 could be "10 mile week"
Whether its riding a bike, walking, jogging, or running--get out there and complete 10 miles in the first week. It doesnt have to be done all in one day! Split it up and if 10 miles isn't enough, go beyond that and do more! Just a thought....
what do you all think???


  • What a great idea! Although I may not be able to walk a mile due to my back, but a I can make it a goal to walk everyday :) Weekly challenges would definitely keep it interesting and fun.
  • ashleygaspard
    ashleygaspard Posts: 15 Member
    it was just an example! :)
    we can make multiple challenges per week!
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    I LOVE IT!! I got all happy and want to work out just reading the word "Challenge" lol I guess we need an official start date etc, and then GO BANANAS!!
  • AnnDenny
    AnnDenny Posts: 172 Member
    Great idea :smile: Count me in!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 250 Member
    My vote is since Wednesdays are our "weigh-in" days it also be the date that we kick off our weekly challenges!! SO...how about we make tomorrow day 1 & let's do the 10 mile challenge!! (I loved that!)
  • ashleygaspard
    ashleygaspard Posts: 15 Member
    Great idea!!!! Tomorrow it is!!! We can make a topic each week-- "Week 1: 10 mile Challenge" then everyone can post under it what they did, if they did any extra, examples for next week. I have so many ideas!!!!
  • momto2lovelykids
    momto2lovelykids Posts: 110 Member
    This is all the motivation i needed since i have been slacking in my exercise
    due to cold-cough infestion,looking forward to do just 20mins exercise dvd since that
    is my easiet option now,i hope that i can do that as a challenge,
    thanks for starting this:)
  • trainingdirty
    trainingdirty Posts: 55 Member
    LOVE that idea! i'm in :]
  • Love it
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    For those who cannot do high impact cardio they should try the 10 000 steps a day challenge wearing a pedometer and ensuring you do 10 000 steps a day. I used to do this and it really helped with being conscious as to how to move more!
  • lisadekk
    lisadekk Posts: 37 Member
    I completed 2.5 miles in this morning
  • Thanks ChaleGirl for the idea :) Count me in!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay I started today and this is a challenge because I am just starting back running...I did some walking today but believe I did 2.70 miles