Meniere's and low sodium diet

Hi, I'm new here and just found out today my chronic vertigo is most likely caused by Meniere's Disease which involves fluid buildup in the ear canal. I've been advised to reduce my sodium intake to prevent fluid retention. I'm thinking this is probably the same type of diet as for hypertension. Hope to find healthy cooking tips, recipes, and ideas about what foods to avoid when eating out... (besides the obvious french fries!) So hello and hope to get know more members here. ~~ Margaret


  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    I just use very little salt when cooking. I'm careful with soy sauce and use very little of that also. Eating out can be a problem as some places use way too much salt in their cooking. I just don't go back to the ones that use too much salt. My hypertension is caused by another chronic disease. I don't like to cook so I keep it simple which is also helpful with lower salt intake. Fancy sauces are high calorie and frequently have high salt content.