Remember '80s 20 Minute Workout show?! LOL! 12/20

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey! Since I am older I find that it is a tad harder to lose the weight then even 6 years ago but I am a fighter! Will not give up!
But this article put a renewed spin for this 'old' dog. My trainer years ago used to say "you need cardio to lose" boy is he correct!
I can tell the difference too!
I think for me cardio helps heart health, mood and of course aid in wt loss (we know calories is most important factor though) but reisistence training for me is the so I don't look like a blob or just a healthy fit straight figure...muscle helps us look defined.

I said for the next couple weeks will concentratemore on cardio with resistence in background but always there! How can you pass up on push-ups!?!?! LOL!

Read and tell me your view:

Peace and heart health,


  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Lmbo, How adorable. A blast from the past. Did you notice the garb and make-up that was caked? Check out those leg warmers! It was like watching the video Physical by Olivia Newton John. If you do not recall go to the web addresses below to jar your memory.

    Thanks for the laugh. I especially needed it today. Way too much drama!

    Okay, time to get Physical, Physical, let me hear your body talk... Hehehehehe I could not resist.

    As for whether or not I agree with the article, I think each body is different. You need to discover what works for you. I found for me I had to cut the simple carbs way down, I need to do cardio most days and interval/circuit several times a week. If you are not losing and you have been consistent with a routine for more than a month switch it up. Try something new.

    DO NOT GIVE UP! Your reward is coming. The scale can only lie for so long before the truth wins out.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Super Trainer is really Gung Ho (totally an 80's movie reference there) about me doing cardio, that's why I do my walk/jogs when I don't do studio workouts or performances and she said that whenever I get to the studio early to hop on the treadmill until class or my session with her (depending on which I am doing that day) then she has me do a lot of cardio with the weights too
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    This isn't aerobics, but this was, and still is one of my favorites from the 80s (I think it was the 80s.)

    8 Minute Abs
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    LMBOROTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! OMG! Yes Mr AAK and I still got the video! I used to do it! CHoking!