REFOCUS...yes the camera lense please!!!! 12/26

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Now, you all know how a fuzzy picture looks...out of whack and you don't really get the full picture! You want more...You search through the slides to see if you can get a better one.
So, now that the eating has passed what picture are you trying to see? Are you out of focus...can't see clearyl?? One thing I have learned in my journey if you wait till after Januray 1st then it will be that much harder to refocus and who wants to see a lot of damage by then?!?!?
Get focused now! Take charge of your health NOW! Don't wait...tomorrow is not promised to any of us anyway...seize the day and moment now.
Do what you have to do to get rid of for me I freeze stuff. Whatever your tactic is do it to get back in the game. Sway the food pushers aside...You got A Battle you are trying to win!!!!!!!



  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i'm definitely fuzzy. have been for weeks. got a new goal in mind, am giving away the christmas cookies en masse, and while my workouts are going to be sad for a bit (my ankle is swollen and tender!!!!), i'm gonna be workin as hard as i can to get back on track.

    thanks garlic for being so inspirational and saying exactly what i needed to hear!!!!!
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Yes indeed, Garlic, is inspirational. I am going to share this with my mom. Thank you.

    For me, I have to keep the same routine regardless of the season. I developed a No Excuse Policy. I have stuck to it almost perfectly. If I go over my calories then I ride till I am in the green again. I rode my bike the other day for 21/2 hours. I figure, if I eat like a pig I better get to sweating too.

    There have even been days where I have said "No" because I did not want to ride that bike. I guess this policy is training me to have will power too.

    You can and will find that nitch that works for you.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I've been fuzzy for a while now, most of you who are on my friends list have seen my struggles because in spite of all the hard work I've been doing with exercising and eating right, for no rhyme or reason, I have been gaining instead of losing. But I never stopped, thankfully, I've been able to come here to my feed and say what's on my mind and all of you have been there to keep me from falling off my cliff and refocus on figuring out what exactly to do. I think sometimes you need to turn the lens and get back in focus and sometimes you need an extra hand to turn it for you.
    Because I'm at my parents right now and they have different eating/activity schedules than I do, I can't jump right back in to my normal until after I head home tomorrow, but I have already been planning what I am going to do to get back on track and start instituting what my doctor suggested I try (ie 3-5 oz animal protein per day and increasing fiber and veggie proteins.)
    So, even if there is something (and I don't mean the "just because I don't want" excuses) that is stopping you from going full force today, do the best you can but determine the earliest day you can start and start planning for it now, so when the day comes, you can't say you weren't ready
  • 20tulipgirl20
    Agreed, I am tired of seeing da fuzz. I am ready to get myself healthy and get that thin body back! Thanks for this group, I think it will help.

    I'm new to the group, add me!!(
    if ya want):happy:
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I did the 30 DS DVDs from Jillian back in September. I was strict about it. Every single day without fail. I look back after not having exercised but 2 times in Dec and wonder.. what the heck I am doing? It's not the holidays, it's just laziness. But it seems no matter what I try, I can't get myself back into it. I am going to push harder and get in 4 workouts a week and see if maybe that will get me motivated to do my daily workouts again.. Maybe I just have to re-do 30DS again and see if that's the key. Who knows? LOL

    So there's my fuzzy. It's been with me since mid Oct. If you looked over my weight loss since Aug, you'd see it. Aug, Sept and early Oct I was losing weight like nothing.. then. Well... nothing. I slowed, creeped and almost stalled completely on weight loss for a couple weeks in Dec. I yo-yo'd up and down by 3 lbs. I am going to do it again and kick start this weight off once more.

    I have a goal of 185 lbs before a wedding I am attending on 23Feb 2013. I am 198 as of this morning.... I know I can do it. I went from 240 in Aug to 199 before Christmas. Surely 15 lbs in 9 weeks is doable. I just have to want it. So- I want it. Now.. how to make my body and mind remember that when the alarm clock goes off at 0'dark 30 tomorrow? hmmm..

    (edited for spelling errors. Why do I ALWAYS miss one until after I click submit? HA!)