Do you clean up your diet after Xmas?

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd share a small glimpse into the world I've traveled through to arrive at this point in my fitness education with you to help shed some light on a process that you might find helpful as we all move in the 2013 calendar year. This process is something I'd humbly say I probably have more experience than most to place me into "expert" status with regards to simple and extreme fat loss.
During the time span after Thanksgiving and on the way into December many of us begin what I refer to as the "end of the year slide" It’s not usually a planned self destruction, but little by little it takes hold on desert or drink at a social function with family or friends.

Then the classic office party season starts with maybe a birthday celebration here and there for the person that gets even more opportunity to create a "birthday month" theme of celebratory eating rolled into the Christmas month as well. Pot lucks, employee breakfasts or lunches get tossed in too. Add the end of the year football as we prep for the Super Bowl and all the Rose Bowl game tournament add to the "big" finish in mindless calorie consumption.

During this time period the weight gain can be 4-12 pounds above the annual average and may or may not be too easy to remove depending on what you do right now mentally in these next few days and weeks ahead.

A few things I recommend and have done myself for the last 25 years are the following:

1. Begin to acknowledge "How much I enjoy looking and feeling my best" while reinforcing the additional motivation for follow through with how my looking and feeling my best relates to my personal and professional ATTITUDE about my life, plus how it inspires others to do their best as well. Hey, If I don't walk my talk, who'll follow the advice of someone that doesn't practice their preaching sermons from the pulpit? :)

2. Next, I look forward in the year at all the "look and feel good about my body" events coming up. Spring is always a big season. Years ago it marked the time of year when many bodybuilding or figure competitions would begin show dates. Right around Easter would be the first competition..."The Palm Springs Muscle Classic” (My first bodybuilding show at 30 years of age) This show prep would start January for most athletes and would mark the "cleaning house" starting point I now use in my Advanced Fat Loss Online Coaching.
This show and all shows would be scheduled all through the year, ending with the U.S.A. Muscle Classic in Las Vegas typically in late July or early August. After each show, there usually are many different scheduled photo shoots with the photographers from many industry magazines for the top winners in each category plus opportunities for modeling or endorsement contracts with supplement and clothing companies. These opportunities are the financial bread and butter for the aspiring fitness model.

3. Then put the plan together by back tracking from the show date with training protocols that would allow an athlete to show up on the date needed in show condition and on target for a good placing or possible top five win. Which of course is always the goal, but sometimes not needed if you happen to have a "look" that is more appealing than "over the top" muscle or too extreme with conditioning of the body which may "scare" the market place that finds the typical competition athlete too much or gross.
Who else but someone that knows how to get low levels of body fat, day in, day out for over two decades with more bodies over that time period do you think might have some insider knowledge about how it’s done right?

The big take home lessons I’ve learned and also use to this day can have your cake and eat it too. Yes, when I started this journey I thought much differently than now in many ways. When I was a young guy coming up I thought more time in the gym would allow me to build well no matter what I ate. I didn't realize the impact of how I ate really made a huge difference. Plus this new knowledge was allowing some “planned indiscretions” that would keep me from going insane and still have low body fat levels
It's 80-90% of your success. It's Not how much you train or exercise. It’s NOT what "magic" supplement you take like protein powders, pills or what the public really needs to understand and know exists in ALL professional sports from golf, tennis and cycling all the way up to big muscle sports like football, MMA fighting or bodybuilding. It's BIG money in sports entertainment, but we'll leave that for another article.

Eating well is the first place to start and it has to be reinforced with a goal that has meaningful significance to you or a WHY big enough to motivate you beyond just being cute in a swim suit at the pool or beach or the just a one shot "high school reunion" to impress my old friends event.
Also certainly before the big slap in the face life change that can scare most people to finally take action or put them completely over the edge. This...I don't recommend, but unfortunately it'll take the near death talk for some even still to get them to take action. With a small minority that just don't care.

I really do care and I care most times more than my clients or athletes that I work with. Why? Because I've lived on both sides of the same coin which allows me to give answer to that question. My life and body have been in many life changing, pivotal (and threatening) situations that required my health and conditioning to survive. But also, as a result of being in the kind of shape and conditioning that my body has been in, my body has also allowed me to enjoy the benefits that a healthy attractive body permits me to have that many people take for granted and don't maximize or strive to take higher.

From the personal and professional opportunities that occur during daily interactions, many body image challenges occur and go unspoken about in our world. We all know this happens to exist in society. These things are not my doing...the bias and unfairness,butt it did cause me to benefit by learning its impact on what I can or cannot do because of my physical appearance in my life and which IS within my control...this is very important piece of information to come to terms with so you can have the ability to enjoy a better quality life full of rich opportunities.

This is a new beginning and a relationship you’ll have with your body that will continue throughout your life and it’s your choice…do you want to be happy with your body and life? Then get out of your own way, ask for help and start moving TODAY toward being the best you, YOU can become. Why wait?
