Introduce yourself ! =)



  • Ramoth48
    Ramoth48 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, everyone
    My name is Catherine and l'm from the U.K, l'll be 49 in a couple of weeks and want to lose another 80lbs or so. l've not lost any weight for months now but l have been losing inches so l know l'm doing something right lol.l really want to get back to the size l was when l married my darling hubby and to do it by the time l reach 50 so l have this coming year to "JUST DO IT!!!" This is MY year.
  • BeachChick2012
    Hi Everyone, I'm Angela from Alabama. I would like to lose 100+ lbs this year. I'm a single mother of 3 teenagers. I want to live a more active lifestyle so I can keep up with them. I've done the whole yo-yo diet thing all of my life. I sick and tired of being traped in this body and have decided to take charge of my life! I've spent a lot of time and energy try'n to be what others wanted me to be. This time I'm doing it for me!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hi! I want to play too!!!! I'm Kim from MA. I am a 37 (soon to be 38 :noway: ) special education teacher. I joined MFP last spring to try to lose those last 5 stubborn lbs. I hit my goal weight in June, largely through triathlon training. And since September I've pretty much gained it all back. Holidays and stress related to family illness led to way too much bad eating. I'm really really frustrated with myself and determined to get back to where I was over the summer. I'm currently fluctuating in the 138-142 range - I weigh several times a week; I know it's not recommended, but for me knowing my typical fluctuations is helpful and keeps me from freaking out about a 1-2lb weight change. My goal is to get back down to 135. I'm a runner and a soccer player, and in the spring/summer a triathlete. I love to workout; unfortunately I also love to eat. Looking forward to some fun challenges to keep me pushing!