Eeeeew! Cooties! Get away! 12/29

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Take care of yourself! Eat your fruits and veggies for all those good vitamins and minerals that keeps our bodies in tip top shape! Get sleep this is MAJOR because we NEED rest to build and repair and restore! Also, exercise even if light helps keep our bodies in motion and ready for anything of course if really sick then lay off several days!
Mental rest, journal or play games to relax but also stimulate the brain. Wash your hands to prevent germs spreading. Cover your cough and stay home if sick sick from work!

This is germ season! It does not end to about April (the end of it). So do your healthy juicing, smoothies, hot toddies whatever to stay healthy and fit! Most important is rest and good quality SLEEP! We all don't get enough!
Wash those hands too!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    OK, will put on my Public Health Representative hat: Wash hands with soap and water (sing the happy birthday song 3 times through and that will be long enough to really clean your hands) use antibacterial hand sanitizer ONLY when you have no soap and water to wash your hands (this stuff is part of the reason we have more resistant microbes.) Get your flu shot if you have not already had one (I know this is a controversy for many people, but it is still effective), even if you do get the flu, because the strain in the vaccine is not the same strain as the one you got, it can still cause you to have a lesser reaction to the flu. If you do get sick STAY HOME you do not need to share with everyone at work. Get lots of rest and lots of fluids. If you go to the doctor, do not get upset because they don't give you antibiotics for your cold/flu, antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections, they will not treat a viral infection like the flu or a cold Use tissues to cover your mouth/nose when you cough or sneeze, then throw it away and wash your hands, this will prevent transfer of virons.
    {takes Public Health Representative hat off, gets off soap box} And feel better soon!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to make another healthy smoothie....Someone breathed on me so now I am fighting...
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    You will not get sick. You are healthy. The air you breathe is clean and refreshing. You are strong and your immune system is like the hulk nothing can hurt it.

    It cannot hurt being positive.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    No I can't! LOL!