Team Twilight- Week 1 Challenge Back on Track in 2013



  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 3 check in:

    Strength - 50/50 squats

    Cardio - 226/100 cardio

    Water - 72/64 oz

    Strive for 5 - 6/5 - onion, bell pepper, cabbage, broccoli, snow peas, tomatoes

    Twilight Activity: Running! Edward Style.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Day 3

    Water. 48oz water, 20oz nonfat milk in my chai

    Cardio. 95/100

    Strive for 5. not so good today, possibly counting the pineapple in my holey donut, then the beans, lettuce & corn in the cantina bowl at lunch

    Squats: 0

    Twilight activity: the cullens chasing the pack along the river
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,069 Member
    Day 2 check in :

    Strength - none

    Cardio - none

    Water - 72/64

    Strive for Five. - 6/5 dates, dried apricots, banana, and carrots, celery & corn in my homemade soup.

    Day 3 check in :

    Strength - 20/50 = 50/50 squats

    Cardio - 43/100 = 86/100

    Water - 72/64

    Strive for Five. - 10/5 raisins, dates, dried apricots, arugula, asparagus, artichoke, spinach, zuchinni , and carrots & corn in my casserole.

    Twilight activity -- Jacob carrying Bella while running up a mountain with his shirt off. :tongue:
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member

    Twilight activity -- Jacob carrying Bella while running up a mountain with his shirt off. :tongue:

    Oh yes, shirtless running definitely burns more calories, especially when it's cold outside! :laugh: it's a good thing Bella weighs next to nothing, not that Jacob would notice!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey, everyone! i might make the challenge this week - late start, as usual these days. might wait until the next go to make it official. we'll see. but either way, happy new year and rock it out like crazy!
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Week 1 days 1-4
    Water: 4/7
    Food: 4/7
    Strive 4 5 : 4/7
    cardio: 109/100
    Squats: 50/50

    Movie related exercise: dancing at Bella's and Edward's wedding reception.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 4 check in:

    Strength - 50/50 squats

    Cardio - 252/100 cardio

    Water - 72/64 oz - 4/4 Days

    Strive for 5 - 4/5 - tomatoes/lettuce (double serving of each)

    Twilight Activity: Badminton during gym class at Forks High.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Day 4

    Water. 80oz

    Cardio. 95/100 - was planning on the gym tonight, but the over-perfumed woman who sat right next to me at the optometrist's office despite there being plenty of other chairs sent me into an Imitrex-induced haze.

    Strive for 5. not so good today, clementine on morning break, spinach & tomatoes in my pasta at lunch, and lettuce & tomato on my sandwich at dinner (not allowing myself to count french fries)

    Squats: 0

    Twilight activity: fighting James in the ballet studio

    Moment from my workout yesterday, there was an Adam Levine lookalike walking around the pool area in board shorts, tattooed, 6-pack & all. :love: :blushing: :love:
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,069 Member
    Day 4 check in :

    Strength - 0/50 = 50/50 squats

    Cardio - 0/100 = 86/100 (I did play pool, but I didn't really get my heartrate up doing it, so I won't count it torward the challenge)

    Water - 64/64

    Strive for Five. - 8/5 raisins, dates, dried apricots, apple, green beans, clerey, and carrots & corn in my casserole.

    Twilight activity -- Exploring the jungle on Isle Esme (although this was all about frustration, so I'll imagine this hike during their second honeymoon on the Island) :wink:
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 5 check in:

    Strength - 50/50 squats

    Cardio - 299/100 cardio

    Water - 72/64 oz - 4/4 Days

    Strive for 5 - 1/5 - lettuce - not a good fruit/veggie day

    Twilight Activity: Puddle jumping with my friends while hiking near First Beach on La Push in Twilight. (when Bella falls and scrapes her hands)
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Day 5

    Water. 80oz

    Cardio. 172/100 - I have my godson overnight tonight, we played the Michael Jackson experience on the WII and I'm happy to say I won, and he actually admitted I won

    Strive for 5 - banana, clementine, lettuce on my sandwich, pineapple with my cottage cheese

    Squats: 10

    Twilight activity: fighting the Volturi in BD2
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 4 check in

    Water/decaf. 7/2 today
    Strive for 5-- 5 items
    Cardio. 35 minutes walk (135 for the week)
    Squats. 0. (20/50 for the week)

    Day 5
    Water 6/1
    Strive for 5 --2 items
    No cardio or squats today

    I did not pack my lunch for Friday, so my nutrients didn't stack up very well. Poor planning results in poor performance, that is for sure!

    Twilight exercise moment
    Breaking Dawn 2. Bella scaling the rock wall when she gets a little sniff of hiker!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 6

    Water 8/8
    S45. 5
    Cardio 36 171/100
    Squats. 30. 50/50

    new moon Jacob scaling up the tree and side of Bella's house to get in through the window.
    BD1: Emmett and Jasper taking turns jumping up to the window at Bella's house to get Edward for the Bachelor AKA hunting party.

    It looks like everyone is moving right along! Great job and kudos to you all.

    Any suggestions for next week? Please let me know, or as the song lyrics at the end of BD2 say, Speak Up , Speak Up, Speak Up! (Unfortunately, I don't have Edward's gift of hearing your thoughts)

    So far I am considering the following:
    lose 1/2 pound (for those not on maintenance)
    banking calories
    Consuming 25 grams or more fiber

    Have a great night!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 6 check in:

    Strength - 50/50 squats

    Cardio - 379/100 cardio

    Water - 72/64 oz - 6/6 Days

    Strive for 5 - 4/5 - bell pepper, broccoli, cabbage, snow peas

    Twilight Activity: Edward pushing the van away from Bella. Now that's heavy lifting!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member

    Water. 8 glasses

    Cardio. 232/100 -

    Strive for 5 - banana, mango, lettuce, tomato, cherries

    Squats: 15/50

    Twilight activity: fighting the wolves in BD1
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Day 7
    Water: 7/7
    cardio: 282 mins

    Twilight activity: Bella and Jacob hiking to find the meadow in New Moon
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Day 7

    Water 64
    Cardio 35. Total 206/100
    Squats. 50/50. (Doing them with 20 pounds of weight gives me a sore tush!)

    Twilight: Charlie jumping to conclusions about Bella's needing to be 'careful' with Edward..... Ummm, Dad, I'm a virgin......
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Week 1:

    Water: 7/7
    Food: 7/7
    Fruits/Veggies: I failed at this one. While I tried to get some in each day, I know I didn't get the correct allotment in.
    Squats: 50/50

    Twilight Activity: Jacob transforming into a wolf to protect Bella from Paul. You know that had to burn some calories!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Day 7 check in:

    Strength - 80/50 squats - 30 squat and press today :happy:

    Cardio - 414/100 cardio

    Water - 72/64 oz - 7/7 Days

    Strive for 5 - 4/5 - bell pepper, broccoli, cabbage, snow peas

    Twilight Activity: Edward fighting protect his true love. Awwwwwww.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Day 7

    Water. 8 glasses

    Cardio. 232/100 -

    Strive for 5 - clementine, pineapple, & does lettuce, tomato & onion on my sandwich count?

    Squats: 15/50 - my knees refused to let me do this one. I need to try this again once I've lost weight

    Twilight activity: cliff diving